Chapter 9

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"Leave your Keys and ID swipe card on my desk then your dismissed with full pay until you hear from me".
John phone's Barbara and updated her on what Jeff was doing including the Medication used.
Barbara runs to John's office and grabs the box of medication then goes down to the Medical Unit.
When she let's herself in she goes straight to see the Doctor on shift.
Just then John walks in as well.
"Where is she Marsy, I need to see her".
"In here John".
When he see's Amy he's overcome with Anger that Jeff Just left her like this.
"I want photos of how she looks like this and some of her in her underwear, Jeff and this bloke who called her his sister are going to answer for the state she's in, has she ever been given clean clothes or are these the first one's she was issued".
"I would imagine there what she was changed into when she got here, and Marsy couldn't find her earlier, she's in this wheelchair because she can't walk, Jeff tucked her out the way but Elle being the ever helpful person she is has been helping her, like using the bathroom etc".
"Buy Elle a Cake or something nice to say thank you from us".

The Doctor walks in to the cubicle with a Syringe.
"This will cancel out the effects of the Drug, but will take a couple of hours ".
"Thanks Doc, Let's use the time getting this poor young woman cleaned up, don't forget the photos Marsy".
John walks back out towards his office.
"Let's weigh her Marsy, 5.2 stone. Omg, she's lost 3. 3 stone. She's Just bones with skin on, how did no one not notice her condition".
"Jeff had her in one of the Rooms we no longer use, and because she's basically Comatose she Just sat there in her own little world".
They'd weighed her, taken bloods and given her the reversal drug, now Amy was being taken to be cleaned up and put in clean clothes after Marsy has taken Photos as proof of her condition.
Barbara went back to her office ready to phone the Hudson Chief of Police.

A short while later Barbara goes back to the Medical Unit and when she walks into the room where Marsy is with Amy she gasps at the difference in the young woman sat before her.
Barbara kneels down in Front of Amy looking at the brightness coming back into her beautiful blue eyes.
"Oh Amy, hello, I can see the difference in your eye's already, it's Hope isn't it, we've found you, your Sister Lou and Jim the Chief of Police are flying here as we speak to come and get you".
Barbara can see the Tears running down Amy's face which shows her that Amy understands her.

Lou's sat on the porch when she hears a very low Helicopter, then she see's the Police landing on the grassed area. Jim gets out and runs over to the Porch.
"Lou, get whatever you need and let's go".
"Go where Jim".
"To bring Amy home, we've found her.
"Oh thank god for that"

To be continued

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