Chapter 6

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6 Months Later.

Amy was still in the same place, drugged. It had been 8 Months now altogether.
Jack was suffering due to the stress and was rushed to Hospital with a Heart Attack, but thankfully he survived.

Ty was visiting his Mum when she started to wake up much to everyone's excitement. Lilly didn't wake up properly so Ty went home.
The next Day Ty walked in and saw His Mum sat up in bed having breakfast.
" Mum!!!,  thank god you've woken up, I was getting really worried".
"Hey Ty, at least my injuries are healed without me knowing about it".
"Yeah, I suppose that's in your favour".
"They said I've been out for 8 Months, did I miss the Wedding Ty".
"Err, No, you didn't ".
"Did Amy survive Ty, please tell me she survived".
"SURVIVED!!, She could of killed you Mum, how stupid was she, talking on her phone while driving, there's no way I could Marry someone so selfish Mum".
"Errm, what the hell are you on about Ty".
"Mum, what do you remember about the Crash".
"Everything Ty".
"Everything,!!!! Are you sure Mum".
"Oh yes".
"Okay tell me what happened".
"Amy and myself had a wonderful time in Calgary, we were driving home when Amy suggested we stop at Maggie's for Lunch before we head back to Heartland so we did. On the way back I remembered that I needed to phone Wade but my phone battery died,  so Amy said that if I turn off the Bluetooth I can use her phone as long as I got it out of her Jacket pocket because she was driving. I phoned Wade and just as I finished the phone rang so Amy asked me to answer it , thankfully Lou wanted to talk to me anyway as we were arranging a surprise for your wedding ,  then I remember me and Amy screaming as this bloody big truck plowed into us, it never even braked Ty, then I woke up here".
"Well there's no wedding now Mum".
Lilly was looking at Ty who had gone a funny colour and he was swallowing hard.
"Ty, what's wrong,  What have you done TY, Tell Me Now".
Ty tells Lilly what he's done and the fact that Amy's missing".
"You bloody idiot Ty Borden,  you know Amy better than anyone, you should  do, you've been together since she was 16 yrs old, how could you doubt her Ty, you called her a Liar Ty, and I thought you Loved her, well that's what you keep telling me and everyone else, although now I'm wondering if you really did love her to turn on her like that.
Now  get the Chief of Police on the phone now , Jim isn't it".

"Lilly, so glad to hear your voice,  how are you feeling ".
"I'm okay thanks,  but I hear that Amy's in Trouble,  I want to tell you that I was on the phone Jim, Not Amy, I spoke to my husband then the phone rang and it was Lou, Amy's Sister who wanted to speak to me privately,  then we saw that Truck as it hit us. I Noticed it had a CCTV Camera on the windscreen,  hope it told you what you needed to know".
"Are you sure it was a camera Lilly".
"Oh yes,  it was the same as Amy's ".
"Thank you very much Lilly".

To be continued

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