Chapter 11

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Ty was playing a game on his phone, when he looked up he saw Lilly crying as she looked at the photos of Amy.
"Mum, what's wrong ".
"You don't want to see these Ty, best you remember Amy as she was before Jesse got hold of her".
"No, I need to see what he's done mum".
"Are you sure  this is going to take her a very long time to get over".
"Yes I'm positive ".
Lilly put the photos back to the first one then passed him her phone.
She sat there watching him and saw tears in his eye's falling down his face, when she looked he was still on the first photo, Lilly put her hand over the phone for a minute.
"Ty, that's Just the first photo, but I need to ask something first, I'm not Judging or accusing because your both Adults and what you and Amy do is your business,  but have you seen Amy in Just her Bra and Panties or even Just a Bikini".
"Yes mum, both".
"Okay well that was the best photo out of all of them".
Ty carried on scrolling through the photos,  Lilly had to pass him some Tissues as it was a wonder he could see anything,  when he got to the last one where two nurses were holding her up he could see she was a Skeleton with skin on and looked like something from the TV show 'The Walking Dead', he gave Lilly the phone back and sat back down then burst out sobbing as those images replayed inside his head.

Amy was sat up in a bed in the Medical Unit,  she felt clean for the first time in a very long time, her long hair had been left down so it could dry naturally,  but she still looked like a Zombie.
The injection the Doctor gave her was working well and Amy didn't feel like she was in a fog anymore, she tried to speak to Barbara but just a few squeaks came out.
"Don't worry about your voice Amy, it will come back, just try to use your voice even if all you get is a squeak it's telling your brain you want to talk, plus that squeak tells whoever is talking to you that you heard them okay sweetheart".
Amy nodded then tried to talk with a squeak. Amy actually smiled and gave a little squeaky laugh.
Amy then put her hands together as if to pray and mouthed the words THANK YOU to Barbara and Marcy.
"We're Just glad they put your photo on the front page of the Newspapers, they obviously knew you were somewhere".
There was a loud knocking on the doors to the Medical Unit and when they looked up they weren't sure who it was, but Barbara looked at Amy who was shaking her head violently from side to side and making all these squeaky noises.
" Amy is he the one who kidnapped you",  Amy nodded yes and she could see the fear in her eyes.
"Don't worry, he can't get in".
Marcy walked over to the Nurses desk and hit the lock down button locking all the doors that weren't already locked,  Jesse was trapped.

To be continued

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