Chapter 16

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Lisa and Jack walked into Maggie's and noticed Ty at the counter but pushed Amy in and sat at a Table. They noticed the shocked looks at Amy's condition by those who knew her and slowly they came over one at a time to hug Amy and talk to her for a few minutes.
Lou saw Ty watching and saw the tears in his eye's as he watched Amy,
"So, you weren't expecting her to look this bad I take it Ty, she's got a long road ahead of her. Last night she looked at your empty seat at the Dinner table and broke down".
Lou then walked over with coffee for Jack and Lisa, "would you like coffee Amy" She nodded yes.
Lou grabbed her special cup and filled it up then carefully placed it in her hands.
Back behind the counter she observed  Ty looking at Amy, "Lou, why does Amy have a harness on  and that cup looks like a childs".
Lou explained to Ty and how the cup gave her the freedom to exercise her arms without spilling her drink.
"Jesse left her hidden and drugged so over the 6 months her muscles and voice basically petrified, she's already starting to move her arms and she's on a special diet of Protein to rebuild her muscles, she still Loves you, you know that right".
"Even after everything I said to her".
"Amy knows you were upset and worried about your mum, but you forgot a very important detail Ty, Amy was in that crash as well, not Just Lilly".
Ty got up and slowly walked towards Amy, he got down on his knees by the side of her and whispered into her ear. "I'm so sorry Amy, I was so upset about my mum and Val Stanton was so convincing to everyone about blaming you. I truly hope you can forgive me, I do Love you and I'm so happy they found you".
Amy looked at him, but deep into his eyes and saw how truly sorry he was, but she could also see the Love in his eye's,  she wanted him back , needed him back , so rested her head on his shoulder and held his hand.
Ty noticed straight away how thin and boney her fingers were and gently kissed her forehead.
Jack and Lisa saw Amy relax as if a part of her had been repaired and was whole again.
"Amy, would you like Ty to come for dinner tonight if you want".
"Yessssss " it was just a whisper but there was no screech to her voice.
"Well I'll see you tonight , I must get back to work".
"Ty, bring Lilly too".
"Will do Lisa, definitely".

As they walked around the park Lisa saw a difference in Amy's face, she was smiling .
Scott also saw a difference in Ty after he returned from Maggie's, Scott and Lisa planned there meeting up by telling Scott what time they would be there with Amy and to make sure Ty was there.

To be continued

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