Chapter 18

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When Tim got to the Porch he Just stared at Amy and Ty.
"Would you stop groping my Daughter Ty, why are you even here".
"Because I'm his fiancee ,and it doesn't concern you Dad"
"Your his what , you never asked my permission Borden ".
"Technically I already did when we got engaged the first time".
"Don't try getting cocky with me".
Tim walks over to where there sitting grabbing Amy's arm and pulling her off Ty's Lap, as Ty goes to get up Tim's fist hits him on the cheek throwing him back down. Amy's so shocked she punches Tim right on his chin with her new muscles knocking him back.
For the first time ever Tim slaps Amy across the face with the back of his hand harder than he intended sending her across the porch towards the Mud Room door Just as Jack walks out cutting open her forehead by her hairline.
Ty's up and grabs Tim's arm behind his back marching him off the Porch then throwing him onto the grass".

"Calm down Tim, what Amy and Ty do is none of your business ".
Lou comes out to help Amy and see's blood flowing down her face, she is so shocked that their father would strike one of them.
"DAD , Look what you've done to Amy".
"Well she punched me".
"She was defending Ty".
"Jack, Tim's been drinking, I can smell it on him".
"Well that explains his behaviour I never thought you'd start drinking again Tim, your totally out of order".
Ty noticed the look of hate on Tim's face because he'd told everyone he was drinking again.
Tim took a shot at Ty but Ty pulled back out of reach, he didn't really want to hit Tim because he was Amy and Lou's Dad.
"Your a wuss Ty, cant even hit me".
"I don't want to hit you because your Amy's Father".
"That's Just an excuse Ty, your not man enough, and you want to marry my Daughter ".
"Grampa, tell Ty to bloody hit him".
"Ty, Amy said to Just bloody hit him and shut him up".
Tim throws another punch Just catching Ty's chin, so decides to end it by punching Tim in the stomach knocking the wind out of him Ty left him on the floor and ran to Amy to see how bad her injury was.
"Your going to need stitches Amy, it's quite a deep gash, that's why it won't stop bleeding ".

Ty goes and gets his Vet bag and grabs some bandages then wraps it round her head.
"I'm going to take Amy to the Hospital Jack".
"Okay Ty ,you get going".
"Tim, your an idiot, when I told you to not set foot on my Land without an invitation I meant it , I didn't give you a time limit, now get lost and don't come back ".
They all looked at him then walked back into the house, Lou looked at her father, "I can't believe you hit Amy, whether or not she hit you first"
"Help me up Lou".
"Get yourself up".
She then walked back in the house.
Tim finally got up and drove off back to Big River where he sat down and opened a fresh bottle of Whisky.

To be continued

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