Chapter 28

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Amy carried on working with her website, and uploading photos she got Ty to take.
She found some photos of the Iron fencing and seating way back when Chase Powers was a Jerk so used some of those as well, the webpage was turning out really good.
Amy did a small story at the end of what happened  and the length of time the've been in hospital recovering.
Then she needed to work out the baby situation and how long after the birth she would be out of commission,  then put that on a calendar to work out Clinic dates for one a month.


The phone rings and Lisa answers.
"That was Lilly, Ty's doing much better and asked to come over with her to Heartland so you and himself can walk around the Pond and sit on the old upturned Boat because it keeps popping  up in his memories ".
"Well that's a good sign, Amy".
"Yes I really hope so, quicker than I thought".
"Well scientists have found Photo recall is almost instantaneous compared to talking about memories as the eyes believe what they see and recall it".
"When is Lilly and Ty coming over".
"Is Tomorrow okay Amy".
"Yeah that's fine".
Amy was getting near to 7 months and this morning she was feeling happy that Ty was coming over, but also worried about what he was going to say. Lou had moved out last weekend to her own place and the renovations to the Dude Ranch were almost finished including the new Large Family Cabins.
Amy had put a dress on this morning,  she rarely wore them so only had two Maternity ones to choose from, she made herself look really nice for Ty hoping it would help, she'd had her Hair in Plats all night so her hair was wavy Just how he liked it.

Eventually they turned up and Amy went outside to see them, she Just wanted to get this over with  and find out if they were together or if she was going to be a single Mum, she was so nervous it felt like she was going to be sick.
Jack, Lisa and Lilly were sat on the New porch talking and occasionally looking toward the pond wondering what was going on.
Amy and Ty had been talking for sometime mainly about how things were before the Explosion.
"Let's sit down Ty, I'm getting a little tired".
"So how are your memories doing,  are the photos and Videos helping".
"Yeah they are  the first week was horrendous,  all these memories blasting around in my head, Dreams of memories that weren't very nice, probably all the bad one's ".
"Which one's Ty".
"Oh, like me leaving after you won the Hudson Finally, coming back and seeing you with Caleb, then there was Chase Powers and Blair. But then they changed to good memories like looking after me at the fishing Cabin, and other good memories".
"So you got them back then, your memories ".
"Yeah, all of them".
"That's good then, isn't it".
"It is good, but the other day I was wondering if this is the universe's way of saying we shouldn't be getting married and trying to stop us".
"WHAT !!!!! You really think that way, I thought you loved me".

To be continued


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