Chapter 5

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Ty was spending some time with his mum, talking to her and playing some music that she likes. (Phone Rings)
"Hello Lisa, what do you want".
"Hello Ty, nice to hear from you too".
"Sorry , what can I do for you".
"First of all, how's Lilly doing".
"Still in a Coma".
"Sorry Ty , Listen Ty ,Amy's disappeared, we can't find her".
"Ha, she's run away from guilt, I'm not surprised".
"NO, She's been locked up for over 4 weeks Ty and now she's disappeared inside the system thanks to Val Stanton".
"What do you mean locked up, they should of bailed her, you only get locked up if no one bails you out".
"Jack went to bail her out but Hudson didn't have her".
"What's Val Stanton got to do with this Lisa".
Lisa explained what they knew up to now.
"Oh, well I hope you find her soon, oh a nurse is calling me over, sorry have to go Lisa". Ty hung up then sat back down by the side of Lillys bed.
"What did Ty have to say Lisa".
"To be honest Lou, I got the feeling he couldn't care less".

Amy had been moved the night before but had no idea where she was.
Judge Grimshore had called her forward for the hearing he'd arranged but was informed that they had no Idea where she was and was no longer on the system.
Amy had been moved to a Mental Clinic in Ottawa without anyone knowing. Val Stanton was determined to show Jack Just what she was capable of.
Amy was becoming more Comatose and losing weight, she'd had no visitor's and not allowed any phone calls, people were calling her Ashley for some reason.
The Driver was in court and he'd been found guilty of driving without due care and attention, his Licence was revoked and fined 5000 dollars.
Two months went by, but Amy had noticed that some of her fellow inmates were not normal and were always acting up, she also found that she didn't feel with it most of the time as if her head was full of cotton wool, and it was getting harder to try and think.

"Where the hell is Amy Jack, she has to be somewhere".
"Not if the've changed her name Lisa, this is Val and probably Jesse's doing".
Lilly was still in a Coma but Ty was informed that she was improving.

Tim turned up at Heartland eventually asking where Amy was, Jack and Lou explained it all to him .
"So where's lover boy is he not here".
"He's where he should be at the moment Tim, with his Mum".
"What about Amy, he's supposed to be in love with her ".
"There's nothing he can do, so as we said he's with Lilly".
"He's a waste of time, I don't know what she see's in him".

Derek, Judge Grimshore and Jim had been trying to find Amy but the DA was keeping his mouth shut and whenever they saw Val she gave that sickly smile that never went upwards.
Amy was now lost in her own thoughts, most of the time she was drugged up and couldn't think straight. This is why they couldn't find her, Amy had a different name and a made up background, she was in a Mental Facility courtesy of Jesse and a greedy DA doing Vals bidding.
She spends all day slumped in a wheelchair and couldn't even remember who she was let alone her name. Jesse was happy to get some revenge on Amy but also Ty Borden.
Jesse was pleased with himself for coming up with such a good plan.

To be continued

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