Chapter 15

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Lou walks back in angry, but Jack see's it".
"Lisa, sit with Amy a moment please".
Jack and Lisa change places and Jack walks into the Kitchen.
"What ridiculous things is he saying ".
Lou quietly tells Jack who then walks out to see Tim. Lou can sense an argument brewing so walks towards Amy who's eyes are drooping.
"Amy would you like to have a nap before dinner sweetheart 'Amy nods "yiiii" at least your getting that first letter out". Amy smiles.
Lou looks at Lisa to say give us a hand and they both take Amy to her room.
She was fast asleep before they'd even left the room.
They could hear heated words being said outside and Jack telling Tim to stop thinking about himself for once and to think about his daughters needs.
Eventually Jack came back inside and Tim went for a walk to calm down after Lou then Jack had had a go at him.
Lisa phoned Lilly to say Amy was home but not in good condition,  they spoke for over an hour, Lilly noticed that Lisa never mentioned Ty at all through there whole conversation.

Soon it was dinner time Amy was in her usual place and everything was on the Table ready, everyone was sat down except for Lou who was liquidising Amy's dinner so everything was separated on the plate Just like everyone else's meals.
Amy was looking at the empty seat by her side where Ty would normally sit,  Amy still Loved Ty so much and was missing him. She knew he was angry that his mum could have been killed but she was angry that he listened to Vals gossip, tears were running down her face as she looked at the empty seat, even though she loved him she couldn't forget what he said to her or accused her of.
Jack and Lisa were keeping an eye on her when that irritating voice sounded, "NOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER, So Lover boy has dropped you Amy ,get over it".
Lou stormed in and and looked at her father,  "GET OUT, go on. Her first day back and all you've done is moan and as expected put her down".
"Get off my property Tim and don't come back till your invited ".
By now Amy's sobbing so Lisa takes her to her room and helps her onto her bed, then lay down and held her.
Lisa knew immediately that depression was starting to take over, and Tim's mouth and comments were not wanted.
After a while Amy was asleep so Lisa went back to the others.
"How is she Lisa".
"She cried herself to sleep ,  we need to speak with Dr Virani because I think depression is settling in and that's the last thing she needs".

Amy was put on anti depressants and without Tim's unwanted comments she seemed a lot better,  but there was still no sign of Ty.
"I'm going to take her out today, will you be at Maggie's Lou".
"Yes I will, and I think it's a great Idea Lisa, it's going to be a lovely day and it'll do her good to get out in the sun ,a walk round the park would do wonders".
"I'll come with you Lisa if you don't mind".
"Of course I don't mind Jack".

To be continued

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