Chapter 10

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Lou runs into the house to get her things then into Amy's room to get her some clothes and fresh underwear.
"Where you running off to Lou in a Helicopter with Jim".
"Lisa, the've found Amy, she's in Ottawa,  I'm going to bring her home, tell grampa when he gets back  see you soon".
Lou runs out with her bag of clothes for her sister and her own bag.
Lisa stands on the porch waving them off with a smile on her face.
As soon as the Helicopter is gone Lisa runs back into the house to phone everyone then decides to send a mass Text to those that need to know.
Lilly, Jack, Tim, Scott, Soraya, Georgie.

Lilly is doing really good and the Doctors say she can leave hospital tomorrow. Her and Ty are talking or rather Lilly is Talking still chewing his ear off. Her phone dings showing a message so she opens it.
"YESSSSSS,  thank god for that".
"For what Mum".
"The've found Amy in Ottawa.  I can't believe he did that to her, how sick can you get".
"Mum, care to explain ".
"Jesse Stanton took Amy with help from the DA and Val, but they had no Idea where he was taking her.
He left her drugged up in a Mental Clinic with orders to keep her drugged as she was dangerous and he put her in there under his sisters name Ashley".
"Bastard ".
Where you going because they don't know where he is. Val Stanton and the District Attorney are locked up, now there's a big police hunt for Jesse, so stay out of the way".

Barbara had sent the photos of Amy to Jim for his records to prosecute Jesse via an Email.
"Lou, we need to talk about Amy , she's not the little Sister you last saw and she's been through hell.
"Okay, tell me".
Jim spent ages telling Lou everything he'd found out from all the visitations being booked up in advance by either Val or Jesse so the family couldn't get to see her, then what happened at the Mental Clinic.
"Omg, what have they done to her Jim".
"I can show you  but it will upset you Lou, the've cleaned her up and reversed as much as possible the effects of the drugs she was being given, but it's going to take months before she's any where near your sister was, she may have to go to a clinic again but this time to help her".
"Show me please Jim so it's not a shock when I do see her".
Jim opened the photos on his phone starting with how she looked before they cleaned her up and let Lou scroll through them. He watched as the odd tear eventually turned into a torrent of tears at the brokenness of her beautiful sister, especially when she saw two nurses holding her up Just to take the photo of how dangerously thin she was.
Can I copy some of these as I need to shock somebody who blamed her when he was listening to gossip from Vat Stanton ".
"I'll send them to you now, is your Bluetooth turned on".
"It is now".
Lou received them then sent a message to Lilly explaining and she wanted Ty to see what Amy had been through ".
Lilly agreed and told her to send them.

To be continued

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