Chapter 24

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Towards the end of the week Lou was allowed to go and see Amy and Ty before she was discharged.
When Lou saw the state they were in she broke down.
"What happened Grampa!!! ".
"A very large Bomb meant for Ty and Amy we think, definitely for Ty, Jim says he has an Idea who it was but no evidence ".
Lou Just looked at Amy and Ty both on Oxygen.
"How long will they be unconscious Grandpa ".
"Well the Doc says it could be a few weeks or Months depending on what damage the Blast Wave did as it past through their bodies, fortunately Ty was stood infront of Amy so she was protected from anything serious, but they could suffer memory loss too, we will have to wait and see".
Over the next couple of weeks the family went to the Ranch House to look through the wreckage for personal belongings, Lou also did Amy's bedroom, cloths, photos, Show ribbons etc then to her surprise she found a packet of condoms , then tried to think back and was sure she was on Antibiotics at some point,  she looked in the box being nosey and found one left. She thought to herself " Blimey Amy you and Ty have been busy", with a smirk on her face then put the box in her pocket so no one would find them.

2 months later and the Hospital phoned Jack to say that Amy was starting to come around.
They were going to see if Amy would be Awake or wake up while they were there, Lisa, Lou, and Jack set off but Stumpy said he'd watch the girls as they didn't know how Amy would be.
They'd been by Amy's bed for a good hour when she started to wake up.
"Grandpa!!, what happened ".
Jack explained to her everything that happened and how she was protected by Ty being in front of her.
"What about Ty, is he alive".
They could see the tears falling down her face.
"He's in a coma like you were, how's your memory sweetheart, do you remember everything before the blast".
"Yes, I'm fine".
"Good, is there anything that you want to tell us".
"Err, no I don't think so".
"Grandpa, why don't you and Lisa go to the Cafeteria and let me have a word with Amy in private ".
"Yes that's a great idea Loù, come on Jack let's leave them be for a while".

"Amy, the Explosion took out the Trucks, kitchen and mine and your Bedrooms, so we went to collect what ever we could. I did your room and checked through the ruble for Clothes, photos, Ribbons and trophies plus nick knacks. While I was searching I found a box of these condoms, so you were obviously--".
"Yeah, Okay lou, I get what your saying ".
"Well the thing is Amy that thank god Ty was in front of you protecting your body or you would of lost it".
"Lost what Lou".
"Your Just over 4 Months Pregnant Amy".
"Oh my god Lou".
Amy burst into tears and Lou held her.
"You've been in a coma for 3 months, the Doctor says everything is fine much to his surprise ".
"Grampa's going to kill me Lou"
"No He's not, if this hadn't happened you and Ty would be married".
"I need to see Ty, Lou".
"Okay I'll ask someone ".

To be continued

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