◇Chapter 3◇

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I held my weapon high, prepared for anything to come through the door. The door opened wide and i couldn't help but hesitant. There was no horrific monster standing there. It was a human. It looked like me... but different.

"What are you?" I asked still holding the sharp edge towards it.

It quickly grabbed what I assume to be a weapon and pointed it at me. The weapon was small and didn't look like much a threat but if it was what created that bang I heard before it could be dangerous.

"Who are you?" He backed away, "are you a survivor?"

"I asked the question first," I stayed strong.

"My names Ethan, I've come here looking for my daughter, Rose?" The man put his weapon down, "have you seen a baby?"

Realizing he was not a threat to me I lowered my weapon as well, "I haven't seen her, I'm sorry."

"Come with me," the man insisted, "I can keep you safe from those monsters."

I walked circles around the man, "I've ever seen a man before..." my thoughts trailed of for a moment, "monsters?"

"The lycans in the village," he sounded surprised that i haven't seen them yet, "I'm heading to that castle, I think Rose is in there."

"No, you mustn't go in there," I said remembering what happened to every man who showed their face to my mother.

"I have to, you don't have to follow me but..." he looked down, "anything for Rose."

"Ill come with you," I said knowing I will be able to protect him better than he could protect himself.

With a nod of agreement we set out the same way i came from to the castle. We walked up to the bridge but hesitated, "if we go through the wine cellar it would be less likely anyone would see us." I stated setting our path to the side. This choice i soon learned was setting us up for disaster.

We walked side by side quietly through the barrels of wine before coming across a lever that would open a door, leading to the castle. Ethan pulled the lever up but stopped half way.

"Well... well..." We both quickly turned around to see a man dressed like he was an old cowboy, "Didn't think anyone was left."

"You must be pretty tough, huh?" Objects from the ground started to rise up into the air around him as he spoke.

"Who the fuck are you?" Ethan asked and I stepped behind him.

"Oh, you're not local." The objects around the man started flying towards the two of us, trapping us in a cocoon of metal, "even better."

"Mother Miranda's gonna love you." Was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.


3rd pov

The three house leaders sat patiently under the veiw of Mother Miranda while the waiting for the fourth. Soon lycans started surrounding the hall and a figure emerged from a cave.

Heisenberg walked out carrying not only on body, but two. Lady Dimitrescus face turned pale, more than it already had been seeing the small body of the one she kept hidden. Y/N, her own girl who she had kept as a child in the castle was laying next to a disgusting man in front of Mother Miranda herself.

"The child is of no use to anyone else," Alcina Dimitrescu started off the meeting, "and my daughters do so love... entertaining foreigners."

Karl Heisenberg sat impatiently wanting the man for his own games while she continued talking, "furthermore, I can assure you if you entrust the mortal to house Dimitrescu."

"She will be experimented on and closely researched," Dimitrescu spoke hoping no one would recognize the child, "as for the man... my daughters and I will serve you the finest cup of his slaughtered blood."

She spoke to Mother Miranda over the sound of Beneviento and Mareau fighting to see the mortals.

"Oh haha, hes awake!" Beneviento danced around happy to see that the man had woken up.

"Both of you, shut the fuck up." Heisenberg lost his tempter at what he saw as lower houses.

"What... where?" Ethan sat up the best he could just to find his hands in chain's.

"You mean you'll screw around with him in private and where's the fun in that?" Heisenberg spoke ignoring Ethan, "Give them to me and I'll put on a show everyone can enjoy."

"Oh so gauche," Dimitrescu scoffs at him, "What do we care for bread and circuses? The man things suffering is assured regardless."

"Only the man?" Heisenberg interrupted.

"I've heard all your arguments, some more persuasive than others but..." Mother Miranda cut off the Dimitrescu vs Heisenberg debate, "I've made my decision. Heisenberg, you will get the mortals."

"Mother Miranda i must protest," Dimitrescu stood up from her seat, "Heisenberg is but a child and his devotion to you is questionable."

"Give the mortals to me," she continued on but Heisenberg stood for his own defense, "and I will ensure they're ready."

"Shut your damn hole and don't be a sore loser," he grabbed his hammer, "go find your food somewhere else."

"Quiet now child," she rose her voice, "the adults are talking."

"I'm the child?" Heisenberg fought back, "You're the one arguing with Mother Miranda's decision."

"You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded into your hammer!"

"Oh keep growing, maybe someday you're head would fit your ego!"

The tension grew thick in the room and Beneviento didn't help as she screamed out, "fight, fight, fight, fight!"

"Silence!" Mother Miranda stood, letting her wings behind her grow out, "my decision is final, there will be no argument. Remember from whence you came."

"Thank you," Heisenberg swong around with his hammer, "lycans and gentlemen, we thank you for waiting. Now let the games began!"

"Lets see what you're really made of, Ethan Winters." Heisenberg smashed his hammer onto the ground making Ethan scatter up to his feet. He began counting down from 10 letting Ethan find a way out.

The case began, all the lords were watching as Ethan ducked and dived to get away from the lycans. All except Dimitrescu who watched her daughters sleeping body rest on the cold floor. She hadn't a clue what Heisenberg had planned for her, all she knew was that she needed to stop him.


Thanks for reading so far!
This book is so much fun to write you have no idea lol

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