Chapter 24

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SOTC : The Light Behind Your Eyes ~ My Chemical Romance

It had been a month since Moon had died, and yet, she still hadn't had a funeral. And I still hadn't gotten over her. Obviously.

Mostly, I stayed over at her house and slept in her bed, holding a pillow pretending it was her. Every morning when. I got up I would set plates for both of us and fix her tea, because she hates coffee.

It sounds creepy, I know.

Her room still smelt like her and it made my eyes sting just thinking about it. I missed Moon like hell and there was nothing I could do to hear her beautiful voice again because, defying what movies claim, I didn't have recordings of Moon on my phone.

I pushed myself off of her couch and didn't bother looking in the mirror, I already knew what I would look like.

My black and torn tank top would be stuck to parts of my skin from crying, my eyes would be red and puffy, and my hair would be greasy as hell because I wasn't motivated to do anything with out Moon.

I got in my car and slammed the door driving down the roads with only one destination in mind.

When I pulled into the field I broke down crying again. I shouldn't still be crying though, it's been a month, and it wasn't like I had known her my whole life. But I did want to spend the rest of my life with her.

I waded through the tall grass and climbed up the tree, sighing quietly when I got to top.

The pictures that spelt out "Prom?" was still there and the chest that I had recently put there was untouched. I opened it with shaking hands and ran my hand over the prom dress I had bought her.

She had talked to me about prom dresses multiple times, but she didn't have the money for prom dresses, so I saved up.

I sighed and laid down on the floor staring up at the wood ceiling which had a large picture of me and Moon dancing together; my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep with the image of Moons beautiful smile clear in my mind.


Only a few more chapters left...

happy? dissin-the-booty ??

ily guys, xo

They Don't Need to Understand {Andy Biersack Fan-Fic}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ