Chapter 16

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SOTC: Repeating Apologies ~ OM&M

--Moon's POV--

After Andy took me to the tree house and we ate lunch he took me back to his house and his parents, of course, wanted to take a few pictures.

"Oh, you two look so lovely! Let me go get my camera!" His mom had exclaimed when we had gotten out of the car.

I had changed into one of Andy's shirts that was even too large for him and now we were settled in his room watching the Pierce The Veil This Is A Wasteland Documentary, that was, until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I spoke as I answered my phone to silence the ringing. Andy paused the movie and leaned in a little to hear the conversation.

"Hi, Is this Moon Deman?" The voice on the other end interrogated.

"Yes it is."

"Hi this is Christian Coma, I'm a friend of Andy, Jinxx, and Ash." He stated bluntly.

"And me!" I heard a voice call from the other end of the phone.

"She never met you Jake." I heard his muffled voice say to the boy, Jake, who was upset because his presence was not announced to me.

"Can't forget Jake." Andy whispered, snorting slightly.

"Nice to meet you Christian Coma." I said smiling slightly even though he couldn't see me and we technically hadn't met, I couldn't care less though.

"Oh please, call me CC. So, I have called to tell you that someone has switched Ashley's bipolar medication."

"I'm sorry to hear that but why are you telling me that?" I asked, confused.

"Well, Miss Moon, you saw Ashley the other night at the park. Correct?" He asked rhetorically. "That's what a little bird told me at least, and that night was the first night he hadn't taken them in five years, so that's why he was acting so hostile, aggressive, or just plain over-reacting that night and he asked me to tell you because he didn't want you to yell at him."

"Is he with you, CC?" I sighed.

"Yup." CC responded I heard the phone being passed on from person from person and then Ash mumbled a small hello.

"Hey." I said sadly, I felt bad for how I treated him last night and that he had had his medication swapped.

"Look, I'm really sorry for the other night, I let my emotions get the best of me and yeah. I'm just really sorry."

"I'm sorry for the way I acted too, Ash. All is forgiven, aye?"

"Aye." He approved then we said our goodbyes before hanging up.

"So his medication got swapped?" Andy asked repositioning himself so his head was in my lap.

"Yeah, I guess." I nodded, my fingers lightly tugging at some of the hairs on his head.

"I bet it was his ex." Andy spoke, His blue eyes piercing into my dull eyes.


"He broke up with her, that girl is cray." He said laughing at himself.

"Oh my god, Andy Biersack you did not just say that!" I gasped between fits of laughter.

After we had calmed down after laughing so hard we finished up the documentary and he hopped into my bed, and I found myself asleep within minutes.


a/n; this is kind of just a filler chapter so that's why it's so short and probably not that good but yeah. you guys really did not like Ashley being the bad guy so I hope your happy! ily guys, xoxo.

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