Chapter 2

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SOTC- The Irony of Choking on A Lifesaver ~ All Time Low

I sighed and replied to him with one simple word : No.

I got multiple calls and texts from him throughout the rest of the night but I didn't care. It's not like he was going to talk to me much or have anything nice to say so why go?

It must've been around eight at night when my mom knocked on my door to tell me to go to bed. I rolled my eyes on how ridiculous she was being. I wasn't five. I didn't protest though as she left the room. I slipped into an over sized shirt and crept under the covers of my bed and quickly went to sleep.

I woke up to the annoying beeping sound of my alarm clock, and groaned sitting up quickly; consequently making myself dizzy. I trudged over to my dresser and slipped on a random shirt and purple skinny jeans, with my black converse; my hair in a high ponytail. I didn't bother putting on any makeup other than mascara.

I scampered down the stairs and grabbed a granola bar and an energy drink out of the fridge and shoved them in my back pack.

I walked outside and saw Andy standing at the light post presumably waiting for the bus. My front door slammed shut Andy swung around to look at me.

"Hey!" I called out.


"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned motioning towards the bus stop he had occupied.

"Waiting for the bus?" He said making it sound more of a question than an answer. I laughed slightly as I watched him scrunch up his nose.

"Get in."

"So why did we drive again?" Andy asked for the tenth time as I pulled up to the school.

"No one, and I mean no one likes the bus," I sighed dramatically "now let me see your schedule," Andy glanced in my direction before rummaging through his backpack to find the now crumpled up piece of paper and handing it to me.

I unfolded the paper and sure enough, it was his schedule. "Yay, we have all the same classes," I said giving him a high five. I got out of the car and stayed close to Andy waiting for the first insult to be called out.

"Who's you friend whore?" Someone across campus yelled at me putting quotation marks around friend.

Andy kept on glancing in my direction as the insults were made, but I kept on pushing through the crowd making sure Andy was behind me.

"Hey," Andy said looking into my eyes as we reached our lockers, "What happened back there?" He asked with genuine concern in his voice.

"Nothing, It was nothing, just high school bullies, you know?" I laughed it off, shoving everything into my locker and giving Andy a tight smile. "Come on we're going to be late to class."

"Bitch, you're in so much trouble" I heard a low voice growl in my ear.

"Luke I-" I said trying to reason with him. "Don't start. I can't believe you said no!" He exclaimed. I doubled over as his fist came into contact with my stomach. I was waiting for another blow but instead I heard more yelling.

"Don't you know better?" Someone yelled "Do you know how fucking stupid it is to hit a girl? You're a fucking monster." I heard the same person yell, it was Andy. I watched as he punched Luke swiftly across the jaw.

"You're gonna pay for this! Once I'm done with you you're not even going to remember your own name!" and with that Luke left.

I felt a shadow cover me and I flinched but then realized it was only Andy. He reached out his hand and I took it in mine as he helped me up.

"T-thank you," I stuttered looking down at my feet. He didn't say anything as he wrapped his arm protectively around my waist.

"I'm sorry," he finally said, guiding me out of the school building.


"So why don't you just break up with him?" Andy asked as I drive aimlessly around town.

After all of my protests, Andy and I skipped school today which, since it was Andy's first day in school here, I was opposed to, but Andy said that I shouldn't stay the rest of the day after being beaten.

"It's complicated," I sighed and slouched down into the carseat.

"I know, that's been your answer for everything, but just say 'we're done' and then don't talk to him or go to police. He can go to jail for abuse," Andy rambled. He did have a point but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Think about it, you need to be safe."


"Thanks for today," I said hugging Andy as I dropped him off at his house.

"No problem," he beamed.

I had no idea why this person, who was practically a stranger was being so kind to me, when the boy I had been dating for three years abused me, but I wasn't complaining.

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