Chapter 10

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SOTC: Legacy ~ MMF

I sighed as I checked my phone for probably the hundredth time. I hadn't seen or spoken to Andy in over 2 weeks. He only answered my text once and that was to tell me 'he was going to the mountains with his family for the week' and that was a week ago; his car was pulling into his driveway now actually.

"He probably just doesn't have his phone on him." My friend, Julia, said as I checked my phone yet again.

I looked out through my window and watched as he pulled out his phone, smiled a little, texted someone, and then put it back into his pocket.

I motioned at the window with my hand as my mouth hung open, not saying anything as my phone still didn't buzz.

"Okay, okay, maybe he lost your number and he doesn't answer people who aren't in his contacts." Julia said as a shrug rolled off her shoulder.

I met Julia at my new job. I got offered a modeling job for the Ashley Purdy clothing line. Julia was assigned to be my photographer and luckily we bonded rather quickly.

"Yeah, okay." I sighed leaning my head against my cold window.

"Well I gotta go, see you tomorrow?" She said as I nodded and opened my laptop.

I had gotten an angry letter from my principle saying that if I didn't finish one class this month than I had to go back to public school because I had fallen behind.

I groaned as I finally finished the Spanish class and shut my computer. I still couldn't shake the thought of Andy ignoring me from my head and it was frustrating.

I mean, I had literally realized my feelings for him and then he chooses to start ignoring me. It was heart wrenching. And I finally broke.

I lifted myself up from my bed and brushed out my mess of pastel pink hair and grabbed my paycheck from earlier this week.

I wasn't going to let some boy from next door ruin my life. I was going to shop my feelings away. I know, I know, sounds lame right but I mean what else am I supposed to do.

I unlocked my car and was about to climb in it when I heard a girlish giggle coming from Andy's house and then Andy's window slammed shut.

I cautiously climbed out of the car and walked onto Andy's property. The trip to his door made my anxiety sky rocket and before I knew it, Mrs. Amy was letting me in and telling me Andy was upstairs in his room.

I jogged up the stairs and opened the door slowly and honestly what I saw made me want to slam the door shut and run away and never ever go back there.


Cliff hanger! Do you hate me? Yes? No? Maybe so?

My goal is 4 votes and 3 comments!
I love you all! also I'm going back to school Monday so it might take me a while to update but I'll try to update at least once a week. xoxo

(p.s) the next few chapters may be shorter than usual.

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