Chapter 19

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SOTC: The Show Must Go On ~ Famous Last Words (This song is amazingg and you guys should really listen to it, okay bye) [p.s this chapter is going to have like 500 different POV's so bear with me]

*Andy's POV*

I slipped on the clothes I was wearing last night and slipped my phone in my back pocket and skipped down the stairs.

I let the breeze from the ceiling fan hit me as I saw a piece of paper float elegantly off the counter top.

I walked over curiously and picked up the paper, examining it carefully. I recognized the handwriting. Angelica.

I knew Moon had said she was going to see an Angelica but I didn't realize it was that Angelica.

That Angelica I'm talking about used to date Ashley. Angelica was nice in the beginning but then her parents got divorced and Angelica's main lifeline was drugs and alcohol. She also started pulling cruel pranks on Ashley. Her most "popular" prank was throwing out Ashley's bipolar medication or switching it with useless crap. Eventually though, she started hitting on all of the other boys in the band and Ashley broke up with her about six months ago.

I didn't know why the hell Moon decided to go see someone she didn't even know, but she did and it was too late. I ran outside, not bothering to take a car since it was a short run.

My heart dropped and all of the sudden it felt like the world stopped turning. I bent down beside the swings at the park and picked up a necklace I had given Moon a while ago. Where the hell could she have gone?

*Ashley's POV* (A few minutes earlier)

"Hey, Moon! Is that you?" I called out, squinting into the sun that was making even the pink hair in front of me seem to be too bright.

"Yeah, hey Ashley!" Moon yelled waving at me, a bright smile super glued on her face. "Have you met Angelica?" Moon asked pointing to a girl with blonde hair, brown eyes, and a tattoo sleeve.

Shit. What had Moon gotten herself into?

*Angelica's POV*

"One second, Moon." I smiled at the girl with pastel pink hair. She nodded and turned back to Ashley as I went out from hearing distance.

"Hey, we have a problem." I whispered into the receiver of my phone.

"Okay, and what is that." The boy on the other line questioned.

"We have a tag along, Ashley knows me and we haven't exactly had the best history together so knowing him he's going to try to bring Moon away ruining the plan. Or if he can't get Moon to stay away from me, he's going to call Andy and then he'll call the police."

"Angelica, I'm still not sure that kidnapping Andy's girlfriend is going to get him to date you, its just cruel."

"Shut up, Luke. You're calling me cruel but you beat up your girlfriend and then took away her epi-pen when you knew she had anaphylaxis." I snapped.

"Besides it's going to work. I can have Andy, you can have Moon back. It works out for everyone, alright? Alrighty. Now, get here, we're taking Ashley too."

*Moon's POV*

I saw Angelica saunter back over as Ashley looked at her uncomfortably. He acted like he wanted to tell me something while she was gone, but he never opened his mouth.

Everything from then on was a blur, I remember being pushed into a car and somehow I have absolutely no idea where I am.

I have a blindfold on covering my eyes and my hands are chained to the walls like an old fashioned prison cell.

"Oh my god, I'm going to die." I whispered to myself as I felt blood ooze down my wrists after I tugged on the chains too hard.

"Moon, you're here too?" I heard Ashley ask beside me.

"Yeah, I thought you knew, I could hear you breathing heavily. Or at least I thought it was you."

*Luke's POV* (6:59 pm)

"Angelica." I whispered as she kept on pacing the room thinking about how her "plan" should play out.

"What the hell do you want, Luke?" She screamed at me. She looked crazed. her hair was messed up and she had dark circles under her eyes. Her clothes were ripped and worn and her fingers were bleeding after she bit her fingernails to bone.

"We, umm, we need to hurry up." I mumbled even though I didn't really want to go through with the plan.

I had started seeing a therapist after the principal called me to his office. He told me that since I beat up Moon then I would have ASD {after school dentition} for the rest of the semester. He also said that during lunch I would have to see a therapist who specialized in anger management until I graduated or until the therapist thought I could go back to the cafeteria for lunch.

Angelica nodded and headed towards the room that held a helpless Moon and Ashley.

I winced as I saw a pool of blood sitting around Moon. I walked over unlocking the now sticky hand cuffs that were were dug under he skin. I heard Moon yelp in pain as I pulled them away from her arm and for some reason she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Luke?" she whispered into my ear. I nodded and she continued, "Help me, please." I couldn't see her eyes, but I knew she was crying by the way her voice faltered and cracked. I knew Moon still didn't trust me, but I was the only one who could help her. Angelica obviously wasn't going to.

"I'm taking Moon into the back room." I told Angelica with a wink, so she wouldn't think that I was trying to help Moon.

Angelica didn't know that I had been seeing someone for help and I didn't intend to tell her, for the safety of literally everyone in here. If she found out she would go crazy... crazier than she already is, at least.


a/n: hey guys. you better have listened to the song because maybe it has a hint for what's going to happen in the next few chapters ;)

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ilysm! xox

They Don't Need to Understand {Andy Biersack Fan-Fic}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang