Chapter 8

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SOTC- Let Live by Of Mice & Men

--Moon's POV--

I really hate hospitals. I really fucking do. I hate them because, ninety-nine percent of the time, if you go to a hospital you're either getting sick, sick, dying, or dead. But,luckily for me I was probably only in the getting sick zone.

Despite my hatred of hospitals and everything that has to do with them, there were only a couple things that I hated even more. And that is, allergic reactions. I have anaphylaxis. {I love it when you talk medical to me} My anaphylaxis is a horribly severe allergic reaction that can cause me to pass out, my throat swell, and tingling in my lips and scalp. My epi-pen doesn't do much except for hold me over long enough to get to a hospital.

I don't remember much from my reaction from earlier I just remember my lips tingling and then it was all black. Andy told me he called 9-1-1 and an EMS came and put me on oxygen and that was the last he saw of me before he got to the hospital.

"Monica, you have to take your antihistamines now." A tall male nurse waltzed in with a bottle of water and some pills in his hand that was covered by a latex glove. I took the pills and swallowed them as best I could and continued sipping on the water.

"When can she leave?" Andy questioned from a chair positioned next to me. We both looked at the doctor who looked utterly confused.

"She has to stay overnight and she can go back home tomorrow at twelve." The nurse said before turning around and leaving.

"Why are they making you stay over night?" Andy groaned slouching back into his chair.

"Some people with anaphylaxis have two anaphylactic episodes so they have to just in case. They'll probably have me make an appointment later on in the week as well." I explained as Andy kept his less than impressed look on his face.

"I'll stay overnight," Andy replied and started rearranging his pillows as it had just reached nine.


"Moon," someone shook me "Moon, you need to take your medicine." Someone's preppy voice rang through my ears. I groaned and rolled over so I had my back facing them.

"No, shh, I'm sleeping, okay?" I grumbled.

"Moon," the voice was stern so I took the pills from them and swallowed them all at once taking a few sips of water.

I inspected the time on my phone which was sitting with my beach bag beside the bed. 7:00 am. I knew I didn't have a chance of going back to sleep now so I played Whale Trail on my phone until the nurse walked in again around 8:00 making me fill out a sheet of what I wanted for breakfast and lunch and me being me chose: cereal and orange juice for breakfast.... And lunch.


"Can she leave yet?" Andy groaned as soon as the clock reached twelve. He was frustrated because his phone had died an hour earlier and didn't know what to do with himself.

"I suppose so, I'll write you a slip for your medication and have you fill out that paper work then you can leave." The doctor then turned on his heel and left the room quickly.

I grabbed my bag from my hospital bed side and scurried to the bathroom and slipped on the spare clothes I brought from the beach before I sat down next to Andy.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday," Andy licked his dry lips as he spoke with a small shrug.

"It's okay, it's not your fault Andy." I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but Moon, I really like you and I don't want to see you get hurt." Andy said sighing as well.

His words registered in my mind as I struggled to comprehend what was going on. "Andy, you like me?"

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