Chapter 9

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Song: Thanks for the Memories ~ FOB

I watched stunned as Andy, not so subtly, scrambled for words. "Well yeah, Moon." he decided and ended his statement with a shrug.

"Oh" was all I could think of at the moment, and luckily for me the doctor walked in before I could say anything else.

"Moon, you're free to go."

Those five words were probably the best five words I've heard for the past twenty-four hours. I grabbed my bag and walked briskly out of the hospital with Andy hot on my heels and quickly climbed into his pick-up truck.

To say the ride home was awkward would be an understatement to some but for me, the word fit perfectly. There were literally no words spoken the whole ride to my house, and he nodded his head slightly and gave a small nod when he dropped me off at my place.

I unlocked the door to my house and threw my bag on the floor as I walked in causing a loud boom to resonate through the otherwise silent building.

I couldn't shake the fact that Andy liked me, and I was still thinking about it when I plopped myself on the couch.

--Flash Back--

"Come on, Moon, you're not going to fall." Andy coaxed as I stood at the edge of the ice skating rink.

"But what if I do, Andy." I countered my hand gripped tighter around the rim of the wall.

"You won't... if you start skating now." He said scooting closer to the wall so people could pass him- as he was already on the ice rink.

"Was that a threat?"

"Yes, it was, now get your tushy out here."

I stepped onto the slippery ice and already felt myself start to lose my balance. Andy secured his arm around my waist so I wouldn't fall and surely enough, I never did.


I found myself smiling as I recalled the memory. It was the first time me and Andy went out as friends and it probably the best time I had had in years.

Soon enough, I got lost in the many memories we had, some good,

some that weren't so great.

{Flash Back}

---The night Luke appeared-- (aka chapter 5)

"Moon, why'd he just walk into your house." Andy questioned setting me down on my bed.

"I leave the door unlocked usually, like you just walked in, he does that too. He probably heard you and got jealous or something." I sniffed "Oh and how'd you know I was in my bathroom?"

"Well I wanted to check on you, you know? So... I walked in and I started calling your name and I got really worried so I came up here thinking you were in your room, and that's when I heard the sniffling-"

"-And it was coming from the bathroom." I finished for him as he nodded telling me I was right.

I watched as Andy got up and tossed me my favorite, very large tee shirt- which I slipped over my head. I turned on the television and laid down, and that's the last thing I remember before waking up the next morning.


I looked out the window that faced Andy's room, which too had a window facing mine. We used to wave at each other every now and then. I wasn't too surprised to see him sitting down singing a song.

He looked so perfect. The way the light hit him, he could've been a model. His smile and his eyes perfectly complemented each other and his raven black hair evened it out perfectly. His tattoos gave him a edgy feel and his piercings finished off his look. And that's when I realized. I like Andy Biersack.


A/N do you guys like it?? please vote and comment because it lets me know that you guys like this story and it means a lot to me to get feedback! I love you guys so so much!Xoxo

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