Chapter 25

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SOTC: Remembering Sunday ~ All Time Low

I sighed as I stared at myself in the mirror. Today was the day of Moon's funeral.

I had went to the mall yesterday to buy a black suit and a pastel pink tie; like Moon's hair.

Her parents were also flying in for the funeral. I didn't like Moon's parents. They hadn't flown down when they heard that Moon had died, and right after the funeral they are flying back to wherever the hell they were before it. They might as well sell their house because they're almost never here.

"Andy?" My mom called from downstairs, today was one of the few days I was home, "It's time."

I took out my lip ring and shoved it in my pocket before running downstairs and hopping into my car.

The drive to the funeral was short and quiet, I didn't play any music to sing along to, I was wallowing in self pity again.

I got out of the car and walked into the church alone, I hated churches too.

The funeral was short and filled with all the same bullshit that every funeral has. The preacher was just saying words with no emotions, it sucked.

I was a pallbearer in the funeral so I had to carry the casket outside.

The lilacs on top of Moon's casket brushed the top off my shoulder as I set the casket down. Lilacs were Moon's favorite flower.

The preacher recited a bible verse and the funeral was over. I picked up a rose to put on Moon's casket and took my lip ring out of my pocket.

It glinted in the sunlight and memories of Moon once again invaded my mind.

"We have our lip and nose piercings on the same side." Moon's laugh reverberated in my mind.

My mind traveled to a couple weeks after we started dating, we had gone out to eat.

Moon had sat down at a table outside and a butterfly had landed on her cup, "That means that we'll be together until the end." She joked, smiling.

I smiled sadly as I clipped my lip ring on a flower and laid down next to Moon's grave. People probably thought I was insane. Maybe I was.

"Moon, there were so many things I didn't have the chance to tell you. Like how I was in a band and I was writing a song for you. Hell, I didn't even get to sing you a song. Moon, I love you so much and I just need you to come back, but that's the one thing you couldn't do. Because Moon, honestly you could do anything you wanted to and I admire you for that. You're gone now but I won't forget you. I love you. Moon, you mean the world to me, and I never got to tell you."

I got up and brushed myself off. And I walked away, I needed to get out of here. I needed Moon.

I took one last look behind me, "I love you, Moon. Forever and Always."


I might do a epilogue but I don't know. I hope you guys liked this chapter.

I updated because you guys are amazing and because dissin-the-booty wanted me too and her birthday was yesterday! She also has a new book so you guys should read it!

I love you guys and I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Until next time. ily.
xo Ree

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