Chapter 22

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I wiped my eyes for the umpteenth time, Even though I had promised myself I wasn't going to cry. The pain was too much and practically unbearable, I was far away from home and the people I loved just because of one person, the same person who just treated me like I was some garbage.

I had the right to blame her for everything that's happening to me but I didn't, I put myself in her damn shoes and tried to be understanding and this is what I get.

"What if she's just under a lot of pressure and the stress is getting to her?" Lily said handing me a can of soda,

Just like Lily, a part of me wanted to be understanding, it wanted to remember Rosa for the girl that has always been an amazing friend and the person who's always been there for me.

"I don't know Lily....,I really don't but all I can say is she hurt me, she hurt me so much." I mumbled,

"I understand, maybe not fully, but I do." She replied pulling me into an embrace " just take it easy."

I sighed softly, easier said than done....


I glanced at the heels I was being forced to put on,

this is definitely not going to be easy....!

The wedding day had finally come much to my dismay, all I wanted right now was to be locked in my room and left alone but that was going to happen only in my dreams.

"Go on, we haven't got all day!" Gio Ordered, I rolled my eyes and picked up the shoe, I had gotten used to his shouting and all day grumpiness. I guess he was assigned as my personal watch man or something, he never lets me out of sight and escorts me on my errands.

"Done!" I announced and stood up praying to God I don't fall during the course of the ceremony.

"Finally" he mumbled and led me into the elevator, " Sir Alessio asked me to remind you that today of all days you must be well behaved, any slip up and you'll face the consequences."

I nodded , I had already been warned earlier by Sir Antonio himself and unlike Gio he stated out the 'consequence' of any stupid action.

The elevator door opened and Gio led me into the main hall were everyone was, I was a bit scared to go into their midst but Gio wasn't going to wait for me to calm my nerves or anything.

A lot of people were scattered around the hall, chatting, laughing and drinking even though the ceremony hadn't begun. Some stared at me as I walked past probably questioning who I was, I hurriedly followed Gio out of the hall into a secluded room which was just as I suspected; The Bride's Waiting Room.

"You'll stay here until you're called upon" he stated and pushed me inside, I was so roughly manhandled that I almost tripped over my dress.

What exactly was his problem?!!

I shut the door and walked into the room,

"Hello dear" Marque greeted when he spotted me, Rosa didn't even bother turning from the mirror she was seated before.

"Good morning Sir" I replied confused as to what I should do next,

"Have a seat and I'll be with you in a few minutes."

I nodded and purposely picked a seat as far away from her as possible,

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