Chapter 43

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I grinned.

There was no doubt this was going to be good if it required a password to get into. It was as if at that moment it didn't register that I didn't have said password and had no way of obtaining it. I was far too excited at the prospect of finally having something to use against him to bother with details like the fact I might not even be able to access them. Because that wasn't even important, right? Wrong!

As the initial excitement settled in, I took a few deep breaths to compose myself as I stared at the lit-up screen; the cursor hovering just above the white bar. Truth was, I never paid enough attention to Chanyeol to even have the slightest idea what the password might be. I didn't care for his favorite foods, favorite drinks, first pets, or first loves, none of those things people used as passwords. So, though it seemed like I could finally have some leverage over him, I was deflated as I realized that I couldn't uncover the secrets within the flash drive.

However, just because I didn't have the password would not stop me from trying to figure it out. After all, how hard could it be? I could only hope it wouldn't be a random combination of letters and numbers, because, try as hard as you might, I knew I wouldn't be able to figure it out. So though I had no real information about Chanyeol, I tried the first thing that came to mind, having half a mind not to expect it to work so I wouldn't be disappointed or dishearten. I needed to get it, one way or another, and I would really prefer to do it on my own rather than bothering Lisa with it who would surely bring Sooyoung into the picture again. I sure as hell didn't need to see that woman again.

Father's name.


Mother's name?


The company name with the year it was founded?


His own name...? It's not like it would be that big of a stretch.


Huh, I really thought that one could actually work. Let's see... my name?

Incorrect. Of course, what did I expect? I laughed to myself bitterly, fiddling with the bubble gum ring I kept stationary on my index finger as I thought of more possibilities.

After a few more failed attempts, going as far as putting Ashely's name in, I stood up from the couch, opting for pacing the empty loft instead, bitting on three of my fingers in thought - a habit of mine that helped me focus. Leo watched me curiously as I walked up and down mindlessly, deep in thought, but stayed quiet rather than meowing in confusion and curiosity.

He didn't seem to worry much about my mental health and whether I'd gone completely insane after walking the same path for the twentieth time, seeing as his own paws caught his attention. I guess to him; I wasn't very entertaining.

I thought hard. I really did. But no matter what I came up with seemed to make sense. Everything was just far too easy and I've already eliminated the obvious answers that I didn't dare to hope were the right ones, anyway. Though I really thought his parent's names weren't that far-fetched since he loved them a lot and was pretty devastated when they passed away.

Suddenly I got a brilliant idea and I could practically hear the lightbulb setting off over my head, which was quite ironic since there were actually lightbulbs scattered above my head, rather than one lamp. Throwing myself back on the couch, unable to contain my newly regained motivation, I opened a browser and typed Chanyeol's full name in, hoping for some interview or Wikipedia entries.

As soon as I hit enter, the screen turned white for a moment before erupting in tens of links, all to different sites. First was, not so surprisingly, Wikipedia and without giving it another thought, I clicked on it. I decided I'd just take it one link at a time, start from the top and work my way to the bottom until there was nothing worth opening anymore.

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