Chapter 31 - Trust Issues

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After Reetha's small episode of anger management, the Jedi duo stepped into the chic hall. 

"Remember Reetha, deep breaths." 

Repeating Obi-wans's mantra in her a billion times while taking her seat in front of her lady-ship. Kriya held her fingers to her face, stressfully pinching her forehead but still maintaining her high-quality elegance. Reetha was reminded of how much power this woman held on her own, where even the balance of the Republic's fate would solely rest in what went down in the room where it happened. 

Point one, Lady Kriya's manufacturing facility creates sound-proofing for the Republic's fighter jets. 

Point two, Lady Kriya requires the Rizo Gems, gems that provide the needs for soundproofing. How you ask? Well, Lady Kriya was not keen on sharing her company secrets. The mine for extracting the gems ore collapsed, creating a pause in its distribution to Kriya's facility. 

Point three, Lady Kriya always gets what she wants. Having her status and power basically granted her the ability to get everything and anything on demand. If those aren't met, she'd break any existing agreement without a second of thought, unless an alternative can be provided. 

Point four, Reetha just gave some attitude to the woman who hardly anyone, no one, had the courage to say no to. What Reetha says next would determine the success of the negotiation. She just hoped that what she would offer to her ladyship would suffice. 

Kriya did not spare a glance at either Jedi, she just swirled the contents of her cup. 

"My Lady, before we start I believe an apology is in order. I am sorry for the outward projection of my anger. It was displaced and uncalled for and unprofessional for a Jedi... especially a padawan."

Reetha didn't need the feel to explain herself more. She figured that the Lady Kriya wouldn't care for humbleness at this point, just plain cold facts and truths. Kriya's golden eyes pinned on Reetha's black orbs. For a moment, the look on Kriya's face almost convinced Reetha that the negotiation was no longer relevant. 

"Outburst. The word you are looking for is an outburst." Kriya lazily hung her legs over the armrest of her leather chair. She set the glass on the table and traced the rim with her index finger, creating a resonating sound with the contents in it. "I absolutely find your outburst of anger repulsing and revolting." 

Dank farrik!

"Although, in the light of the situation I was rather impressed by your straightforward attitude. Kind of reminds me of... me. Obi-wan certainly has yet to show this sort of behaviour. Obviously, it's not Jedi like, but it is interesting that you are able to show this much emotion. I'm impressed, to say the least." 

Obi-wan had hope in his eyes. "So you would still be inclined to negotiate the term of the deal?"

Kriya gave him a curt nod. "Only, if the padawan carries out the negotiation." 


Obi-wan paced in front of the heavy doors where two guards were his only company. Essentially, he was kicked out by the Ladyship and was not allowed to oversee the negotiation. Reetha would be safe since Kriya had no appetite to kill, maybe. 

What if everything went south again? What if- No. Obi-wan believed that Reetha is more than capable than she leads on. It's just a matter of time to overcome her learning curve.

Kriya and Reetha sat eye to eye. The hall was huge, the decorations in it, statues and antiquities from all across the galaxy, taxidermied animals, and fancy painting on the gold walls. Kriya's chair fit her like a glove, Reetha almost sunk into the material of her chair. 

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