Coffee and Cocoa and Rainstorms

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Hawks ducked inside the regular cafe he visited. They had the best coffee on the street, and the fact it was close to where he lived didn't hurt. It smelled thoroughly of chocolate, overpowering most everything else. He, being the number 2 hero, turned a couple of heads as he entered. However, most everyone was so used to his presence there they hardly noticed. He got in line, pulling out his phone to check his social media pages. Naturally, his latest picture of the previous night's sunset (as taken from above the clouds) had gotten a lot of likes and comments. The cafe was quite full, so Hawks wasn't surprised a lot of people decided to leave the cafe rather than find a place to sit. Nearby, he overheard a couple of people having a conversation.

"I got tea, what did you get? Looks like coffee."

"Oh heavens, no. I hate coffee, can't stand the taste of it."

"Really? Never would have thought. How about the smell?"

"Even worse. Yick."

"Oh well, to each their own."

Hawks kept up with the moving line, quickly arriving at the front.

"Ah, Hawks, there you are. The usual, I presume," The cashier at the front said, already scribbling down the order.

"Mhm," Hawks hummed, tucking his phone in his pocket.

"Alright, one caramel frappuccino, three extra shots. Coming right up."

"You guys know me too well," He chuckled as he looked around the cafe. As far as everyone else was concerned, he was absently observing, probably bored or looking for something. He ruffled his wings a little, shaking off a feather or two. It looked like a stretch, like he'd just woken up ten minutes ago. He tilted his head to the side a little, as though he was trying to listen to the quiet background music being played on the small bluetooth speakers the baristas had.

The truth of it all was he wasn't idly observing the cafe because he was bored or stretching because he was stiff or even trying to hear the barista's music. Rather, he was listening and watching for any form of danger or an attack. He sent the fallen feathers outside under the double doors, sending them through the streets to look for any crimes. The cashier handed him his drink and he passed over the money needed to pay for it. "Thank you, come again!"

"Always will," Hawks said, sitting down at an empty table. Hawks felt a few droplets of water on the feathers he sent out. Rain? He looked outside. It had started sprinkling, at least he thought so. Even he could only see so much through a tinted window. He recalled the feathers. A minute or two later, the feathers squeezed under the door and reattached to his wings. The coffee was nice, it was warm and smelled nice. Over time, the drum of rain on the roof got louder. It had started pouring, A loud bang sounded, and a young woman walked in, covered in water.

"Just my luck," she muttered bitterly and shuffled up to the counter, ordering a hot chocolate. Hawks stared for a second or two. She looked like a hero, either that or a cosplayer. The outfit was simple, built in shades of dark blue, purple, and cyan. It had golden accents around the wrists and collar. The collar of the suit reached the top of her throat and a black and gold varsity jacket was hung over her shoulders like a cape. At the base of her hips was a fan of peacock-like feathers so long that they dragged behind her on the ground like a bridal train. She received her order and looked around, seeing no empty seats. She walked over to Hawks' table. "May I sit here?"

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now