Above the sky

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(Y/N) woke up the next morning cuddled up in her blankets. Slowly the events of the day before filtered back into her consciousness and she realized why Hawks' cat was asleep on her shoulder. Part of her wanted to go back to sleep. There was a cat on her shoulder, after all. Then, Ravioli pawed at her face and her excuse to stay in bed melted. She grumbled in frustration, crawling out of bed. Ravioli tumbled through the air, landing on his paws more or less gracefully. (Y/N) shuffled out of her room, deciding to make pancakes for breakfast. Hawks might appreciate it, she decided. (Y/N) looked around. Hawks wasn't up yet. That was strange, especially considering that he usually woke up long before she did. She grabbed some ingredients and started mixing together some pancake batter. When she had finished the pancakes and Hawks still hadn't come out of the guest room, she sighed and decided to wake him up.

She grabbed her hairbrush as she passed by her bathroom and stopped in front of the guest room. "Hey, Hawks, you in there?" She asked as she knocked on the door.

A quiet "Yeah," was his only response.

"I made pancakes."

"You did?!" A few seconds passed and the door swung open. Hawks zipped across the room before stopping in his tracks. "I don't know where the plates are."

"No, you don't," (Y/N) chuckled. "Here, let me show you where they are."

Soon, the two of them were eating the delicious western breakfast. Hawks had a massive grin on his face and practically inhaled his pancakes. "Oh! I just remembered," Hawks said with half a mouthful of pancake in his mouth before swallowing it and continuing. "I promised I'd take you on that flight once my wings grew back, right?"

"I haven't forgotten about that," (Y/N) chuckled. "I was waiting for your feathers to finish growing."

"Well," Hawks said, then fluttered his wings a bit. "They're back."

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up. "Really?"

"I can take you on that flight after we get back from doing hero work for the day," Hawks grinned.

(Y/N), who had been walking past to put her plate in the dishwasher, set down her plate and pulled Hawks into the tightest hug she could muster. "Ooh, thank you!" she said excitedly. "I'm holding you to that!" she said, before scooping up her plate and hurrying off to stick her plate in the dishwasher.

"Oh, and one thing."

"What?" (Y/N) stopped in her tracks.

"Meet me on the roof of your agency after you finish up for the day."

Then there she was at the end of the day, waiting for Hawks to arrive. He was almost an hour late, leaving her staring up at the overcast sky. (Y/N) sighed, starting to turn around and go back inside. "This is stupid," She muttered under her breath.

"Sorry I'm late." (Y/N) whirled around, and Hawks was landing at a speed that was probably too fast to be safe, wildly flapping his wings to slow his fall. He skidded onto the roof, stumbling and almost falling. "Whew, you have no idea the traffic I ran into."

"Traffic? You're in the air!"

"Yeah, and I ran into a flock of geese. They weren't too friendly. Then when I touched down on the street to get out of the way, I ran into a crowd of fans. And then I had to actually get here. "

"You don't say," (Y/N) said flatly, not completely believing him.

"Still, I'm so sorry for being late," Hawks said softly, taking her hand. "I shouldn't have made you wait like that." Hawks pursed his lips. "Do you still want to go on that flight I promised?"

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now