Confusion, absolutely

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(Y/N) skidded into the agency, having just barely paused to shake out her tail feathers before entering. Ryochi smiled. "It's good to see you, Juno.

"Good to see you too, Ryochi," (Y/N) wheezed, stopping to catch her breath. "Any news for today?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Base reports of villains in the area, and that one kid from Shiketsu is requesting a work study again."

"Ah. It's a regular day again, then," (Y/N) nodded, yawning. "Ugh. The only times I wish I weren't a hero are when it's been a long week and it's a Saturday. All the regular folks get to do nothing today."

"With all due respect, Juno, the sidekicks have their set days off. You should take more days off. You work so hard, and the sidekicks keep the place going in your absence," Ryochi said, his green eyes flashing with concern.

"I take Sundays off," (Y/N) offered. "Besides, evil doesn't take a break. I want to keep my home safe."

Ryochi sighed, running his fingers through his black hair."Fine. But make sure you take care of yourself, okay?"

"Of course," (Y/N) nodded, half planning out how the day would go. "Call Thanatos for me please, and can you ask Riptide to take the work study students on patrol?"

"On it." (Y/N) turned down the hall, heading to the lounge in the agency. It was stocked with snacks, couches, a couple of cots, the works. Anything the small hero agency would need to accommodate the young hero and anyone else at the agency. Inside were a couple of her sidekicks, sitting on the couch and chatting. One of them was Atalanta, and the other was Boreas, a white-haired boy who had joined the agency because Atalanta had. He jumped to his feet, bowing quickly.

"Juno! Do you need us?"

"No, it's fine, Boreas," (Y/N) said, dismissing the question with a wave of her hand. "I'm just coming to relax before heading out again."

"Oh. Is that all?" Boreas straightened.

"Yes, it's fine. But how are you and Atalanta doing, though?"

"We're doing fine, but we've been a little worried lately," Boreas said hesitantly, a small gust of wind from his quirk rushing around the room for a moment. "The whole Reaper situation."

"What about it?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, sitting next to Atalanta. Boreas sat on the couch next to her.

"We heard some rumors," Atalanta said trailing off.

"We heard they were still around." Boreas finished. "Like, regathering in the shadows and all that."

"Well, that's partially true," (Y/N) replied slowly. "A few remnants of the group are scattered around the country, but they're being caught by the day. A lot of them are suffering from the aftereffects of Death's quirk. In any case, they're in no place to cause much trouble."

"Thank you for that, Juno," Atalanta smiled, grabbing her glass of hot chocolate from the table, momentarily forgetting to raise one of her fingers. The glass turned to solid gold and the delicious hot chocolate was replaced with molten silver. "Oh, bother," she muttered. Atalanta's quirk had given her a rough time for years. It was simple enough, that touching anything with all five of her fingers would turn it into metal. However, most often her quirk had a predisposition to turning things to gold or silver. She could control the type of metal things turned into if she really tried, leaving her with her special move called 'chain stitch.' (Y/N) thought it was a clever enough name, what with what the special move did. It was simple, and she could use it easily. In fact, dear reader, you've seen her use it before!

All she should have to do is touch the clothes of her opponent and they would be stuck in one place. When your clothes have been turned to steel, it's very hard to move. If she so wanted to undo the effects of her quirk, she could just hold the thing under fresh running water and it would go back to normal. Look, there she is, doing it now. Atalanta stood up and walked to the faucet, turning it on and running water over the side of the cup. Before everyone's eyes, the golden and silvery colors melted away and she had a regular cup of hot chocolate again. She sat down and began sipping on the sweet beverage.

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now