Blood and loyalty

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The Doppelganger charged, and the three heroes and the one fake person fell into a fight. It was difficult, but it should have been easier, and (Y/N) couldn't risk dazing her teammates with her quirk. Therefore, she was in a knifefight with someone who looked like a high school kid. Regardless of everything, she managed to hold her own with the fake Suneater, with Fatgum and Red Riot who were helping counter the doppelganger's quirk. (Y/N)'s phone rang and she pulled it out, answering it and setting it to bluetooth.

"Hello?" she said as she punched the doppelganger in the jaw.

"(Y/N), I need your help!" Lorelai's voice came over the bluetooth earbud.

"Uh, this really isn't a good time," (Y/N) muttered, throwing a knife-sized feather at 'Suneater.' "Can you ask someone else?"

"What are you doing that's so important?"

"Fight to the death," she answered curtly. "Kinda busy, what is it?"

"I've been captured by the Reapers!"

"And they let you have your phone? Sounds like they're pretty dumb."

Lorelai laughed nervously, but a bit eerily. "Can you come get me?"

"Where are you at?" (Y/N) punched the doppelganger charging at her.

"Third floor, room A6."

"Weirdly specific, but sure. I'll be there." (Y/N) hung up the phone."Listen here, I have a friend to save, so let's hurry this up."

Fatgum responded appropriately by charging at the doppelganger, intending to try to immobilize him. The doppelganger summoned some tentacles to try to knock him to the side, but Fatgum just stood and stared at him. The doppelganger tried again, but again, the strike did nothing to move the very large hero. The doppelganger showed a few seconds of fear before Fatgum simply fell on him and absorbed him into his fat. Thankfully, the fake Suneater had lost his knife in the scuffle, meaning he couldn't pull an escape like earlier. (Y/N) sighed in relief and leaned against a wall, deeply exhausted from the extended fight and the amount of jumping around she had to do.

"Juno! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Juno assured him. "Just tired." Muffled screeches could be heard through Fathgum's fat, and Fatgum only sighed like a tired dad.

"Juno!" (Y/N) perked up at the sound of Hawks' voice. Hawks jumped up over the railing, flapping his wings a little. "Sorry I'm late." He smiled awkwardly. "I was held up by a group of Reapers. Some of my sidekicks got them outside with the cops." Tsukuyomi flew up next to him, being carried by Dark Shadow. "Tsukuyomi's here, though."

"It was a difficult fight," Tsukuyomi sighed.

Hawks hurried to Juno. "Are you alright?" he murmured, his hands gently on her shoulders.

"Yeah," she replied, equally quiet. "Are you?" Hawks tilted his head and then nudged her chin upwards, noticing something.

"You've got a cut on your neck," he noted, letting go of her chin and putting his hand back on her shoulder.

"Yeah, that happened," (Y/N) chuckled. "Had to bite the guy to get him off me. Got a scratch in the scuffle."

Concern and a touch of anger washed over Hawks' face. "Did he try anything?" he asked sharply.

"Well, he tried to kill me, but he didn't try anything you're thinking of."

"Good, I'm just glad you're safe," he sighed.

"Hey guys I think it's great that the two of you like each other but we don't exactly have time for you to make out or whatever you're gonna do." Jester's voice piped up behind them.

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