Unfortunately, something happened

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(Y/N) was a bit tired, but happy to have her sidekicks by her side. Riptide, being relatively experienced in the hero industry as he had been a sidekick for three years, was a good asset for this mission.(Y/N) checked her phone, looking for the destination again. She skidded to a halt in front of the warehouse they had arrived at, Thanatos releasing the charm he had put on himself to float. "Looks like we're here," (Y/N) murmured, narrowing her eyes at the warehouse. "Keep your guard up. There's a good chance there's Reapers in here."

"Noted," Riptide agreed with a touch of exhaustion in his voice. Thanatos walked forward, tapping his staff on the ground. A wave of blue washed over the landscape, his eyes flickering with a flash of a similar shade of blue.

"I know the floor plan. There are three hostages on the second floor, possibly locked in the room. There's also only one Reaper guarding them."

"Really?" Riptide raised an eyebrow. "Then they're awfully bold. Either that, or they're stupid. Any hostage situation involves at least a few heroes showing up to the scene."

"Or they're incredibly powerful," Thanatos suggested. "Either way, they're either incredibly powerful or incredibly arrogant."

(Y/N) scanned over the front of the building. "You said that the hostages were on the second floor, right? Can you levitate us up there, Thanatos?"

"As you wish." Thanatos tapped (Y/N) and Riptide on the head with his staff. The three of them were covered with blue light and started to hover off the ground.

"Woah," (Y/N) muttered as Thanatos flew the three of them to a window on the second floor. The window was open, as if waiting for them. Entering the building was their first mistake. (Y/N) looked around, examining the room. There were rows and rows of weaving machines in the large room, some of them empty but some of them with fabric still on the looms. The room was painted black, but the fabric on the looms was all white, except for one. On one loom was a bolt of black fabric. "Thanatos, do you know which way the hostages are?"

"Down the hall," The dark-haired young man replied. "Come with me, I know the way." The three of them went through the door, following Thanatos. Eventually, after going down a long hallway, they arrived at a door. Riptide pulled it open, revealing a few people standing inside. (Y/N) quickly recognized one of the people, a young man with pale skin, blue eyes, and brown hair.

"Wait, I know you," (Y/N) said slowly. "You were at the Reaper raid! Death's boyfriend! Your name is Jason, right? Why would you be among the hostages, and why aren't you in uniform?" Jason only smiled eerily, his disposition far different from the scared and miserable young man she had met during the raid. His eyes were foggy, like he was half dead already. "Are you a hostage? Are you guarding the hostages? What is it?"

Jason tilted his head back and yelled what he said next, a wide grin on his face. "Hit it, boys!" (Y/N) heard a bang and Thanatos dropped to the ground, yelling in pain. (Y/N) tackled Riptide to the ground, getting him out of the way and narrowly missing a bullet.

(Y/N) stared to push herself to her feet, readying for battle, but she was too slow. "Thanatos, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Thanatos said, straining his voice a bit. "I think they hit me in the shoulder." Another bang sounded, and a burst of pain exploded in (Y/N)'s chest, feeling like someone had stabbed her with a hot fire poker. Her ears rang, and she pushed herself to her feet with her arm that didn't hurt from the radiating pain.

She grabbed two feathers the size of kitchen knives and located Jason, almost biting her tongue to keep from screaming. She pursed her lips and threw a feather at Jason's hand, knocking a pistol out of his hands and distracting him long enough so she could throw a second one at his lower chest.

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now