The hotel

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A/N: Get your popcorn, it's gonna be good


The two of them arrived at the hotel some hours later after a long flight and a lot of trying to navigate. Keigo, whose wings he had been hiding the whole trip, was already getting jittery from the amount of time he had been on the ground and in enclosed spaces. "I hate planes," he had complained sometime before they landed. If his wings hadn't been hidden by a jacket, they would have fluffed up. "Way too loud, and you gotta sit there for hours on end."

The hotel was well-decorated for having such a low rating. (Y/N) looked around in amazement. The carpet seemed freshly replaced, pretty paintings hung on the walls, and the potted plants actually looked decently taken care of.

"Hello, welcome to the Cherry Blossom hotel," the young woman at the front desk chirped. "What can I do for you?"

"Hey, we made two room reservations under the name Izumi Fujioka." Keigo spoke first, suddenly changing his demeanor. He seemed like a completely different person within seconds. He had even gotten a fake name prepared for the job. He was much more used to undercover work than she was.

"Okay, Fujioka," the woman said quietly to herself, tapping away on her laptop. Her face paled. "Um, quick question, do you two happen to be in a romantic relationship of any sort?"

Keigo shook his head, a little bit embarrassed. "No, we're just friends."

"Well then, this is going to be a bit awkward." She polished the lenses of her glasses on her shirt. "Somebody forgot to reserve you two a second room."

"Can we just pay for a second one up front, then?" (Y/N) asked.

"Unfortunately, due to the several events going on nearby, like the convention that happened today and the big parties happening yesterday, we only have one room left, the one we reserved for you. I'm pretty sure that as soon as things started to get more hectic, one of the managers on duty put somebody in your second room to get some extra cash. I can refund you for the second room, but if you decide to stay, you'd have to share a one-person room."

"Isn't there anything you can do?" Keigo asked politely, but clearly a little upset about the matter.

"Short of kicking somebody out, no. I'm incredibly sorry for the inconvenience. There's another one a few miles down the road, but they might be full too."

Keigo sighed and turned to (Y/N). "Alright, what do you want to do? I don't want to make you uncomfortable, so this is up to you. We could find another hotel or deal with this one."

(Y/N) pursed her lips and turned to the woman at the desk. "Excuse me, is there a couch in the room?"

"Actually yes, and it doubles as a fold-out bed."


"Unfortunately, it's been broken for ages. It doesn't fold out."


After a lot of internal debate, (Y/N) decided that she and Keigo would stay at the hotel. They entered the room, which quickly turned out to be vaguely disappointing. The couch was ugly, the wallpaper was uglier, and the flowers sitting in a vase on the dresser were minimally decent. Keigo hung his jacket on a coat hook and stretched out his wings.

"Mm, that's much better. Pretty sure if I held onto that much longer, my wings would have cramped up."

"Sounds like it sucked," (Y/N) said, kicking off the long skirt she had worn over her regular pants in an effort to hide her feathers. "Phew. All I want to do is take a nap," she sighed, grabbing a pillow. Hawks half smirked. "What are you planning?"

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora