Meeting Death (again)

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(Y/N) wasn't quite sure what she expected as she walked down the halls of Tartarus prison. She had called in a favor with the hero commission to be here, so she decided to refuse her urge to turn tail and run as she walked past the cells that were personalized to each villain, inset with ways to counter their quirks and keep them from getting out. It was eerie, and she always hated coming. (Y/N) spotted a tall, buff man in one cell, massive chains locked around his wrists and ankles that were burrowed into the floor. She was pretty sure if she had even one of the chains around her wrist, she would have been unable to move, let alone pace furiously like the man was.

The guard walking with her to where she needed to go chuckled and noticed her staring in confusion and mild horror. "I see you've seen how we contain Muscular."


"He was mostly known for his violent murders before we got him locked up, but he's particularly mad about how a first year high school student beat him in a fight and knocked him out."


"His quirk makes him really strong, and the kid shattered the bones in his arms trying to fight him. Apparently the kid was defending this other kid who was around five or six."

"Didn't he get in trouble for using his quirk? I know how strict the quirk restrictions are here."

"He was at a training camp set up for the hero course. He and other students in the hero course were doing this game or something and the League of Villains attacked."

"You're talking about class 1-A, right?"

"Yeah, I swear, it's like they get attacked every other Tuesday nowadays."

"Who was this kid?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.

"I think his name was Izuku Midoriya. He was the kid who fought Endeavor's boy in the U.A. sports festival."

"The one who broke his fingers?"



"We're here," the guard said, pulling out a watch. "You have forty-five minutes before her quirk begins to induce symptoms of addiction and we will need to keep you here for rehabilitation. Go." The guard typed a code into a keypad next to the door. The loud hiss of rushing air rang in (Y/N)'s ears. The guard pushed open the door, and Lorelai sat at a table, her hair pulled into a low ponytail. Compared to Muscular, Lorelai's cell seemed quite tame. She hadn't even been handcuffed to the table, she just had a long and relatively thin chain rooted in the ground. Lorelai smiled her signature smile.

"Why hello, Juno!" she chirped, her voice already making (Y/N) feel like she was wrapped in a warm hug. "What can I do for you?"

"You can drop the act, Lorelai. I know who you are."

"Calling me by my real name, are we? Not even the guards do that." Lorelai raised an eyebrow as (Y/N) sat in the chair in front of her. "What do you need?" she asked, tucking her ankles under her chair.

"You're being awfully friendly to the person who put you here."

"Would you rather I be mean to you?"

"Almost," (Y/N) sighed, shaking her head. "It might make it easier to resist your quirk. Anyway, we need to hurry up. I just have forty-five minutes to talk to you."

"Well then, shoot. If you wanted to take me on a date you could have just asked before I was put in prison."

"I'm not asking you out, Lorelai," (Y/N) said, realizing she sounded a bit like a disappointed dad. "I need your help."

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now