And so problems ensue

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Abbreviations used in this chapter:

(F/S): Favorite soda

And so the first phase of the plan was initiated. Hawks was flying across the skyline when his phone rang. He answered the phone.

"Hi, Hawks!" Thanatos chirped.

"Matsumiya, it's good to talk to you! What's going on?"

"I got a coupon for this one restaurant and was wondering if you and (Y/N) wanted to come to dinner with me and another friend."

"Well, I would love to come!" Hawks smiled. "Text me the details, I'm on my way to a mission right now."

"Alright, Hawks."

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was lounging on a couch in the agency. Patrols were done for the day, and she had elected to wait to be called in for the next job. Riptide walked into the room. "Good morning, Juno," Riptide said politely. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes. Something was up.

"What can I help you with?" (Y/N) sat up.

"Thanatos got this coupon for this one restaurant and was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with us. Hawks is coming too, I guess."

"Is he?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and pretended she wasn't absolutely ecstatic to hear the news that he would be at dinner. (Y/N) pretended to consider the proposal, even though her answer was already yes. "Alright, I'll go. Text me the details of the dinner." Riptide smiled.

"Alright, miss," Riptide chirped. (Y/N) furrowed her brow as Riptide left. Something was up. He was usually a lot more bitter than this and a lot more rude. What was he planning? (Y/N) pursed her lips, thinking about it carefully. Was it some prank or something? No, that didn't sound like Riptide, though. Whatever it was, it had to be interesting. She turned on her phone, finding a text message from Riptide.

Riptide left the room and jogged to the lounge, finding Thanatos on the couch. "I got the boss to agree to come," he smiled proudly.

"And I got Hawks to come. Now we wait," Thanatos smiled back, turning on his phone and tapping around on the screen.

"Also, I had this question," Riptide said hesitantly.

"Yeah?" Thanatos didn't look up from his phone.

"Why are you helping the boss with this?"

"Huh?" Thanatos looked up.

"I mean, you have feelings for her, so why are you helping her get with somebody else?"

Thanatos pursed his lips and shrugged, trying to look dismissive. "I never really had a chance with her, I guess. But I want her to be happy, even if it's not with me." As much as he tried to dismiss the question, even Riptide could tell that Thanatos looked pretty miserable.

"Why didn't you ever tell her? About how you felt, I mean?"

"When I first started feeling the way I do, I was eighteen. It started as some dumb crush, and she was twenty-one at the time. She had been a proper hero for a couple of years, had just started her agency the year before, and I was some kid she had been friends with in high school. I had just gotten out of high school and here she was, beating up villains like the real pro she was. I guess I just thought she thought I was still a kid, and besides, I was really nervous to say anything. Me, some just-graduated kid asking out a pro hero of all people? She had just hired me as a sidekick, so I was scared. Then I just never did. And now it's too late."

"So you're going to-"

"I'm making sure it doesn't happen to either of them," Thanatos said sharply. "If either of them wait too long, they're gonna lose their chance."

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora