Napping and chocolate, the works

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(Y/N) spent the rest of the day going about the rest of her list. Fighting villains, visiting that school, going to that store opening. The only thing left was the party, a huge event the hero commission had invited her to. Thank heavens she had already bought her dress, a simple black dress that went past her ankles. It was pretty, but not too complicated. She decided before leaving her house to wear her combat boots from her hero costume. She was in no way wearing heels. Besides, nobody would notice. It's not like anyone would dance with her or stare at her feet long enough to see the thick soles. She also was prone to panicking if asked to dance. (Y/N) left the house feeling gorgeous. The party was just a twenty minute walk away, and she needed the exercise.

She arrived at the building the party was being held at, tired and wondering why she was there. The young hero sighed. It was too late to go home now. She shuffled into the building, taking a second to scan the crowd. It was full of heroes and assorted important people, all dressed in fancy dresses and suits. Food was lined up neatly on a table, everything from soba and katsudon to western foods like hot dogs. Therefore, with nobody there she knew, she made a beeline for the food table.

She was happy to see familiar foods from back home, and was glad the hero commission had decided on it. Grabbing a plate, she scooped a few foods onto it, some she recognized and others she didn't. The food turned out to be delicious, and regrettably quite filling, leaving no chance to have any more. Most everyone was either mingling or dancing or having food from the table she'd just eaten from. (Y/N) herself however, was weaving through the crowd, scanning the people to try and find someone she knew. The first person she spotted was Mariposa, who was being interviewed by a reporter. Good for her, (Y/N) thought approvingly.

"Juno, what a surprise seeing you here!" (Y/N) whirled around, about ready to grab one of her feathers. She'd had the dress modified so she could grab her feathers if she needed to fight, and she was grateful to past her for thinking of that.

"Woah, it's just me." (Y/N) realized who she was talking to.

"Hawks, don't scare me like that," she sighed, releasing her grip on her feather.

"What are you doing here?"

"Commission invited me," (Y/N) shrugged, fiddling with the hem of her sleeve. Hawks was dressed nicely, a simple black and red suit and a black and white striped tie. "You clean up nice."

"You look nice, too. Where'd you get the dress?"

"Some dress shop close to where I live. Just a few blocks away. It's run by this old lady, I think her name is Ameterasu."

"Amaterasu Yoshida?"

"How did you know?"

"Yeah, she's one of the nicest ladies I know, she tailored my suit."

"Really?" (Y/N) grinned. "Well, that's why it looks so good. The white doesn't go with the color scheme, though."

"Oh?" Hawks raised a very bushy eyebrow.

"Yeah. Stands out."

"Guess I don't know much about color theory."

"Neither do I."

"Then why should I trust you about it?" He teased, smirking a Hawks Smirk™ and leaning on a nearby table.

"Because I'm cute."

Hawks snorted. "Heh. Haven't heard that before."

"Glad I made you laugh, I don't do that to a lot of people."

"I guess clowns laugh a little easier."

(Y/N) swatted Hawks on the back of the head. "Hey, you're no clown." She paused as he raised an eyebrow. "You're the court jester."

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