*deep, deep sigh*

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(Y/N) awoke the day the two of them were to leave to the party to Ravioli the cat meowing indignantly about something. She blinked her eyes blearily and reluctantly shuffled out of bed, before hearing someone talking to the little orange cat outside her room.

"Listen, I'll be back," the voice said. Ravioli meowed louder. (Y/N) quickly recognized the voice as Keigo. "Shh, I'm getting you that automatic feeder I promised you, okay? You're gonna need it!" Ravioli meowed again. "Quiet, you're gonna wake up (Y/N)," he said in a quieter, but mildly annoyed voice. Ravioli meowed again, quieter. Keigo laughed quietly. "Alright. I'll be back soon. Hold down the fort for me, okay?"

Ravioli meowed as if to say something along the lines of either 'I'll keep everything here safe' or 'Give me food.' (Y/N) smiled as she listened to the exchange.

He's so cute, (Y/N) thought wistfully as she heard Keigo leave the house. She sighed softly and drifted off back to sleep.

It was later when she awoke to the beeping of the alarm from her phone. She blindly grasped at the air, looking for her phone, and accidentally knocked it off the nightstand. She grumbled and climbed out of bed, narrowly avoiding stepping on her phone. Scooping it off the floor, she shuffled blearily out of her room, finding Keigo sitting at the table and eating a bowl of cereal. He noticed her coming out of her room and waved at her excitedly, a grin on his face.

"Good morning, Keigo!" (Y/N) chirped, almost tripping up and calling him Hawks. It had been a few days since she had learned of his real name, but she still wasn't completely used to it yet.

"You all packed up for the trip?" Keigo asked, taking another bite of cereal.

"Almost, just gotta pack a dress for the party."

"That's good."

"I'll get some breakfast first," (Y/N) yawned, a touch of anxiety in the back of her brain. She had until midnight of the next day to keep her promise to Thanatos and Riptide and tell Keigo how she felt. The week was almost over and it was uncomfortable. She almost wished she hadn't made the promise. "The party is tomorrow, right?"


"When do we have to be at the airport again?" (Y/N) asked as she poured a bowl of cereal.

"Noon. Are you ready?"

"It's been a tense week waiting for this mission," (Y/N) sighed. "I'm really nervous."

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," Keigo assured her gently, resting his hand on her shoulder. "You and I are strong enough to handle ourselves. We have all the information we need. We just need to go in, catch Shakuhira, and shut down the Reapers once and for all."

"Simple enough," (Y/N) muttered, still pessimistic about the whole thing.

"On the plus side, even if we can't figure out everything, we still get a date."

(Y/N) didn't expect what Keigo had said, the line taking her by surprise. After a few seconds of flustered silence, (Y/N) cleared her throat and awkwardly replied with a mumbled "Yeah."

"I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" Keigo said frantically.

"No, it's fine, I just didn't expect it."


This was the worst day for them to stay home from work, they realized, as they cleared their throats and went back to their cereal. (Y/N) stared at her cereal, busily munching on her food and pretending she wasn't as flustered as she was. Did Keigo reciprocate her feelings? She almost melted seeing his awkward half-smile and how he broke into laughter.

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now