The reaper

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Hawks and (Y/N) continued down the street at full speed. A wave of water swooshed in from the two nearby allies, blocking off their exit. Hawks and (Y/N) turned to run the other direction but only found more water. Hawks spread his wings, reaching out to (Y/N), ready to fly the two of them away, the obvious reaction.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," hummed a voice from the top of the building. Electricity crackled over the top of the walls of water, forming a barrier and electrocuting the water. "If you want to live, you won't want to touch that." The figure was cloaked in white, and like the other Reapers, a similarly white full-face mask reminiscent of Mr. Compress's mask over their face.

However, unlike the Reapers they had seen earlier, blue markings were where the eye holes should be. Hawks looked at (Y/N) and they nodded at each other. (Y/N) spread her feathers, showing them off to the villain. The villain tilted their head before realizing what was happening and laughed. "Yeah no, that's not gonna work. Sorry honey, I'm blind."

"How'd you know I was going to fly?"

"Rustle of your feathers. Gave it away."

Hawks stared at the water and sent a feather to the water. The feather was electrocuted quickly, causing Hawks to shiver in discomfort. "Well, they're not wrong about the electricity thing."

"So I think that you'll stop and listen to me now that that's out of the way."

(Y/N) stared at the villain as they started to monologue about death and hero society and some other something. She wasn't quite sure what it was, as she stopped paying attention halfway through. Their evil ramblings were interrupted by two feathers about the size of a butter knife lodging into their lower body, one in their thigh and the other in the far right of their gut. A third feather hit their shoulder, nudging them to the side.The villain collapsed and fell to the ground. Hawks, being himself, used his feathers to catch them.

"You got handcuffs on hand?" (Y/N) asked.

"I think. Haven't had to use them in a while, my sidekicks usually end up taking care of the villains once I defeat them." He sifted around in the pockets in his jacket and procured a pair of handcuffs and the key, latching them around the limp villain. The electricity around them vanished and the water dispersed around the streets. (Y/N) scooped the villain up bridal-style, shaking out her tired legs.

"C'mon, let's drop this one off at the police station."

They arrived at the police station tired, but carrying a wounded villain. They dropped them off and hurried off to Ryukyu's agency, really ready to go home. Hawks stopped in his tracks and sighed. "Not again."


The villain turned the corner, their cloak and robes bloodied up."You won't get rid of me that easily!" They were limping and wheezing and probably not fit to fight, but they were out of the station and that's what mattered.

(Y/N) realized what was going on and grumbled. "And they escaped the police. Of course." Hawks and (Y/N) started the fight, trying to counter the villain's electricity quirk. "What are the police for, anyway? I mean, it seems they just take the villains to prison, but the heroes could do it."

"You think it's a pre-quirk era thing?"

"Yeah, but they aren't legally allowed to use their quirks to stop villains, so they can't do much against villains trying to escape. Watch out, water bolt."

(Y/N) dove away from a shot of water that would have knocked her over had she not dodged. They saw a flash of green land next to them. It was Jester, wearing his hero costume this time. The costume was mostly green and black, built of a crop top, a backpack, and black shorts and combat boots.

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