Everything gets harder (why)

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It was not, in fact, easy. Looking back, (Y/N) was sure making such a bold statement had jinxed the whole thing. Yet, it was such a thing that had redirected their fate to give them their happily ever after. Three days had passed since Hawks had entered the hospital. The main thing on (Y/N)'s mind was her promise to visit Hawks each day in the hospital after work. Hanging out with Hawks was always great. After a long day of heroism, (Y/N) and him could chat, watch TV, or play games like chess or Uno. Visiting him in the hospital wasn't too different from their usual visits.

Though among all this, the little moments still remained. That being the little moments where the two of them forgot the world around them. The little moments where they sat and enjoyed each others' presence. For a moment, everything was alright and (Y/N) could almost believe that the blond felt the same way she did. Then, as quick as it had begun, everything was awkward. It was almost as if they were in middle school again, blushing over little crushes. Granted, it wasn't too much of a stretch. Today, (Y/N) and Mirko had been hanging out, beating up villains and patrolling the area. But first, Mirko and (Y/N) had stopped at the cafe to get something warm to drink on patrol. Mirko had gotten coffee and (Y/N) had gotten some delicious hot chocolate.

It had been silent for a while as they scanned the streets for villains. "So, how's Hawks? I know getting shot can't be fun." Mirko sipped on her coffee.

"Well," (Y/N) started. "He's recovering thanks to the quirks of the doctors. He'll be back to work halfway through next week. His wings are growing back, too."

"That's great! We spar every know and then to get some practice in, it'd be a pity if we lost such a good fighter."

"Oh, that reminds me!" (Y/N) unhooked something from her belt. "Look what I got!"

"A baseball bat! That's a good, solid weapon. Easy to use. Nice pick."

"Thanks," (Y/N) said, pride in her choice lacing her voice. She wove to a fan as she hooked the bat back on her belt. "Mirko, can I ask you for some advice?"

"Sure, I'll try."

"It's about Hawks."


"I realized I have feelings for him a few weeks ago. I don't know what to do."

Mirko snorted and sipped her coffee. "You and every other girl your age. Almost flattered you came to me for this."

"Stop joking, this is serious."

"I'm not kidding," Mirko shrugged. "Half the fans of Hawks think he's hot. That's the truth. You're not exactly alone in your opinion."

"We've been friends for so long, it feels so weird."

"Do you want to be his girlfriend?"

(Y/N) considered the question. "Yeah, I do."

"Tell him about it," Mirko said after swallowing another sip of coffee.

"Tell him?!"

Mirko laughed. "I'm serious, it's how I got with my boyfriend."

"You're dating someone?" (Y/N) raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah. Cute guy." She smiled at the mention of the man. "But the point is, you do have to tell him eventually. The worst he can say is no. Plus, dancing around the truth won't get you anywhere."

"That's exactly the scary part!"

"Might be scary, but it's better than doing nothing and watching as your dream boy gets picked up by someone else."

"Says the woman who doesn't fear death."

"I don't fear death because I live life without regrets," Mirko replied. "Do you?"

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now