Fighting villains is dangerous work

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Abbreviations used in this chapter:
(F/C): Favorite color
(F/S): Favorite song


(Y/N) was out of bed a little quicker than usual that morning. She got dressed in her hero costume (freshly washed after the rain from the day before) and contemplated sending a request in to get an umbrella added to her costume. It rained a fair amount in Japan and it would be useful even to have an expandable capsule of sorts that she could keep in her jacket pocket. It wouldn't take too much room, considering she had personally bugged the support department until they gave her pockets in her jacket and in the rest of her costume big enough to fit half her forearm in. (take that, fashion business)

Hawks, meanwhile, had woken up half an hour earlier. He had slept a little more that night. A quick breakfast of leftover microwavable chicken nuggets (as seen on TV, call in now for 10 dollars off and free shipping), a quick brushing of his teeth, and giving a few scratches behind the ears for his pet cat, and he was out the door.

The streets were damp from the rain from the previous day and the clouds were still gathered. They looked suspiciously close to rain, so Hawks eyed the clouds warily. (Y/N) arrived at the cafe a few minutes after Hawks had. He spotted her through the window when she was a few feet from the door, perking up at the prospect of talking to her again. (Y/N) entered the cafe, the first thing she saw not being the warm lighting or the wooden walls that made it feel like a cabin, but Hawks waving her over. "Hey, Juno!" He was visibly happy to see her. (Y/N) sat down at the chair directly across from him.

"Hey, Hawks," Juno greeted, grinning like a bobcat. "A nice morning, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I just hope it doesn't rain," Hawks grumbled.

"Why? Does it make it harder to fly?"

"Naw, it's just really uncomfortable. Also it's a pain to get water out of this thing." He held up the collar of his jacket.


"Yeah, this stuff is made to keep me warm while in the sky. This stuff absorbs any and all water and you gotta wash it and run it through a couple dryer cycles." He sipped his coffee to punctuate his statement. "I can still dive-bomb clouds though, so that's good."

"Woah. And I just don't like having to shake out my tail."

"I mean, it's not all bad. I can always fly above the clouds."

"Yeah, what's it like being above the clouds, anyway?" (Y/N) propped up her head on one hand, leaning onto the table.

"It's honestly hard to describe," he chuckled. "Pictures don't do it any justice. It's beautiful."
"Wish I could see it."

"Maybe someday you will," Hawks replied with a chuckle.

"Ha. Maybe."


The conversation was slowing down, so Juno ordered a hot chocolate. "Alright, twenty questions."


"We each ask each other 20 questions. One pass given to each of us where we can swap out the question for another. Otherwise you have to answer each one honestly."

"Sure, I guess."

"Alright, first question. What's your favorite food?"


"Isn't that like, cannibalism or something?"

"No, plenty of birds eat other birds," Hawks smiled in amusement. " I think I saw a pelican eat a seagull once."

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