Burial rites

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(Y/N) and Hawks left the apartment already chattering about everything. More people were out on the streets now that it was just after work for most everyone. A kid gasped and ran up to them. Hawks, not completely expecting this, stumbled back a step, but pretended everything was all right. The kid was almost shaking with excitement. "Hey. you're the nice lady who stopped those bad guys!" the little girl had a bright smile and was staring up at (Y/N) with pure joy and admiration. "You're so cool!"

(Y/N) crouched down to be eye level with the little girl. "Oh, I remember you," she chirped, a similar smile on her lips. "You're the little girl I met that day! You were pretty memorable!"

"You remember me?" The little girl looked surprised, even a little confused that someone so cool would remember her.

"Of course, why wouldn't I remember you?" (Y/N) tapped the little girl's nose. "You were so brave in the face of danger. It's admirable."

"But it was so scary!"

"Exactly. Bravery isn't necessarily not being scared. It's being scared and doing it anyway. I myself get really scared sometimes."

"You do?" The little girl's eyes shone with disbelief.

"Absolutely. Being a hero doesn't erase your fears. But some of us learn to deal with them. Others, not quite yet. But we're all learning on the job."

The little girl smiled. "My name is Sora by the way!"

"You can call me Juno," (Y/N) chuckled. "I'll keep a lookout for you whenever I'm on patrol."

Sora looked up, completely registering Hawks' presence. "Are you guys friends?"

"Yeah!" Hawks agreed, a smile stretched ear to ear.

Sora looked back at (Y/N). "He's a nice guy. Saved my Mom once. He'll be a great friend."

"Well, he is. Pretty sure we're like besties or something."

Hawks raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Is it?" (Y/N) joked.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

(Y/N) turned back to Sora. "What's your quirk?"

"It's not too cool. I'm just really lucky."

"A luck based quirk. Those things are pretty rare. Do you wanna be a hero?"

"Can I?"

"If you wanna. I believe in you."

"Sora!" A woman that looked just like Sora was waving her over.

"Oh! That's my Mom. See you!" Sora ran back to her Mom, waving goodbye as she did. (Y/N) stood back up.

"Cute kid." Hawks watched as Sora ran off.

"She has potential to go far in life," (Y/N) agreed. "Here, we have a walk to get to."

They didn't get much walking done.

Once every few blocks, both of them were stopped for autographs or pictures or just by fans in general. Eventually, they just turned back. It wasn't quite worth it to keep going. As they were heading back, (Y/N) noticed Lorelai across the street, leaving an alleyway. "Hey, Lorelai!" Lorelai looked up and smiled at the sight of (Y/N).

"Hey, (Y/N)! Nice to see you again!"

(Y/N) ran across the street to see her friend. "Hey, how are you holding up?"

"Just fine, thanks. I see you're hanging out with Hawks."

"Well yeah, we're practically best friends."

Birdie (Hawks x reader)Where stories live. Discover now