Chapter Twenty Version One

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Joe's POV

I was sitting at her bed. The doctor had told me she might be able to hear me and that I should talk to her. I didn't know what to say so I just told her about my days. Soon I didn't have anything to tell her anymore. All I did was sitting here.

I missed her so much.

I can't remember when it was, I think around three weeks after Emma's incident, when the door opened. First Caspar and then Rose walked in.

I narrowed my eyes. Why the hell would Caspar bring that bitch here. She seemed different. Her hair was short again and it was dark. Her normal hair colour I suppose.

"Let her talk." Was all Caspar said before he walked out again. Rose took a seat at the bed, on the other side of me.

She grabbed Emma's hand. "Hey Em, sis. I came to say something to you. I have no idea if you can hear me, but I have to tell you. I want to say that I'm so sorry. I know what I did was wrong. I know that. I was so jealous of you and your perfect life. You had everything I wanted. You had Caspar, Joe and all your other friends and I was just your lookalike. I felt like that it had to be me, not you. You already had loving parents that gave you everything you wanted. Now, I know that is not true and that you worked so hard to be where you were. I know I was wrong and I will do everything to bring you back together with Joe. After that, I'll disappear from your life. That's a promise."

I stared at Rose. Was she serious? She had the same spark in her eyes as Emma had when she wanted to go for something.

Rose was serious.

Rose looked at me. "I'm truly sorry I took advantage of you and the situation. I thought you were in love with me. I know you aren't. You have Emma and you and Emma belong together. I Will make sure you and Emma will end up together." She said and got up.

I sighed. "Rose, stay. Just don't.. don't try anything. Don't ruin it. Just, be here for your sister."I said.

Rose stared at me disbelievingly but slowly sat down again. "Merci Joseph." She said and smiled weakly.

She looked at Emma again, rubbing her thumb over Emma's hand. "Het spijt me zo zusje. Het spijt me zo. Ik wist niet wat er met me gebeurde." Rose whispered. (I'm so sorry sis. I'm so sorry. I didn't know what came over me.)

She still sounded French. I didn't know how I couldn't have noticed that before. Maybe I didn't want to notice it. Maybe I was just an asshole that wanted the love of his life back and made the hugest mistake of his life.

That was me. A mistake maker. An asshole. I hurt the one I loved so much, it sometimes drove me crazy.

Now she was laying here in this huge hospital bed, making Emma look smaller than she was.

Emma, who hurt me so much when she didn't come to the church to marry me. Emma who came to tell me that it was me and not Roan. How that made me love her even more but that I knew we both needed a new start.

This was my Emma who I knew I was going to marry when I was twenty four years old.

In that hospital bed, was my Emma.


You all deserved another update :) sorry for being a lousy writer. I am having an internal fight with myself and it's hard to keep being positive.

A. Joe letting Rose stay yay or nay?

B. Do you think Rose changed or not?

C. When will Emma wake up?

D. What would you like to see next in this version of the story?

Consequences {Choices Book Two} {Choices Sequel} {Joe Sugg Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora