Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Rose's POV

I wanted to go to the hospital. I wanted to see Emma and I wanted to spend time with her. I think I was able to, but every time I got there, there was someone else, already talking to Emma.

I wanted to talk to my sister in privet. Well, I kind of had to.

I had to tell her something and I knew she wasn't going to like it. I knew that, but this was something that I had to get off my chest and there was no one else I could tell.

I was scared it was going to be too late, really fast.

I had to do something before people were going to get hurt.


Emma's POV

In the days I was in this bed, with an hour a day out of it for Physiotherapy, people kept coming over. Every day, Caspar and Zoe would come.

Everyone had come over at least once. Even Tyler Oakley came in after he landed in London, claiming he was here for some videos with the others, I just smiled at that. He was the best.

Rose came over as well, every day. It would be one minute when visiting hours started or one minute until they ended, every time, there was someone already there or walking in.

It seemed to bother her that there were people when she was here. She didn't look very healthy either. Her skin had become very pale and her hair had lost the shine that it held.

It scared me. Was that how I looked when I was ill? It was scary. I was worried about her. She never really talked a lot to me, maybe that was my fault. Was I a good sister to her? She wasn't one for me a few months back, but she apologised.

I had no idea what was going on, but every time I brought it up, she would wave it off and look around the room nervously.

She didn't want to talk about it, but yet I needed to know what was going on, my feeling said she was in trouble.

There was nothing I could do, I couldn't leave this bed easily and there were always people around.

There were a lot of people, but not the person I actually wanted to see most of times.


He was there sometimes. He always came with Sam and Marius. He didn't really looked at me, as if it was painful.

I didn't understand what was going on with him. Did I do something stupid? Wait, no. I had been asleep for around three months. It can't be something I did right? Or could it be?


The door opened and Joe walked in, alone this time. I glanced at Zoe, who seemed to be just as confused as I was.

"Em, I have to say this and you have to listen, please." Joe said, looking right at me. I just nodded, I had no idea what he could have to say.

"Em, it's been hard to see you in this bed, and it's hard to see in how much pain you were. I really really really missed you when you were in a coma and I really want to have another shot with you. I want to forget the past and just focus on us. You and me." Joe said, talking faster, probably because he was nervous.

I didn't know what to tell him. I trusted Joe, but I also was scared that if it happened again, he would just choose someone else over me again. We both made mistakes. We had a lot to fix.

"Joe, I don't know what to say. I can't just not look at the past. Too much has happened. We both made mistakes and we have to learn to trust each other fully again, before we are even able to move forward." I said, nodding at what I just had said.

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