Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Emma's POV

I looked around. An empty room. Was this a dream? One where I lost all my friends? No it couldn't be true. I would never lose everyone, or... would I? was this that kind of dream where it didn't matter how hard you would yell, no one would come?

Yeah, sounds a bit odd to me as well. Where was Caspar? He told me he loved me. That's, I didn't know what to think. It wasn't very Caspar like right? Or was it? Or was this my weird head that decided that this happened?

I didn't understand anything anymore. Was it a dream that Rose was mean or was it a dream that she was sorry and that she wanted to do anything to make up to me?

Maybe this was a nightmare, where I didn't know what was real and a dream. I had seen it on TV. It was at Doctor Who I think. In the end, it ended up being both a dream.

Wait, maybe this was both a dream.

God, my head was messed up.

I kept thinking everything over when the door opened. I looked up and a doctor walked inside. I looked at him. Maybe he would turn into a monster, I would know that this was a dream.

However, the doctor stayed perfectly normal.

"How are you feeling Ms. Smith? You gave everyone quite a scare." The doctor said, while looking at my clipboard with details.

"I'm fine, I think. What happened doctor?" I asked, sounding a bit insecure. I immediately scolded myself. There was no reason to feel like this.

"You passed out. We assume it came from the stress and pressure that was put on you." The doctor told me.

I frowned. I couldn't really remember it.

"Your memory will come back when you calm down Ms. Smith." The doctor told me. I just nodded dully. What else could I do?

The doctor walked out and immediately, my dad and my brother walked in. I was stunned. They were here? I couldn't believe it. My brother was here! And so was my dad!

I was so excited.

"Emma!" Jesse said and hugged me tightly. I chuckled and hugged him back tightly, not caring that my head was pounding.

"Hoe gaat het, heb je pijn? Oh shit!" Jesse rambled and let me go. I chuckled. (How are you, are you hurt? Oh shit!)

I laughed. "Jesse, Het..." I had to find the words. I hadn't spoken Dutch for so long. "Het gaat goed." I said, quite proud of the fact that I had developed a real English accent. (I'm fine)

Jesse smiled. "You find talking English easier huh?" he asked teasingly. I laughed but nodded.

It was just now that I noticed my dad hadn't said anything yet. I looked up to him.

"papa?" I asked with a small voice. I was afraid he was angry, or worse, disappointed in me. (daddy?)

He looked at me and smiled, walking to my bed and also giving me a hug. "het spijt me, ik wilde alleen checken of je okay was." Dad said. (I'm sorry, I only wanted to check if you were okay.)

I smiled a bit. "Dad, don't worry okay. People have been worrying about me for weeks. There's no need. I am alright." I told him. It was true. People had been worrying about me for too long. I was fine. I didn't want people to worry about me anymore.

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