Chapter Seventeen Version Two

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Chapter seventeen version two

Emma's POV

I was getting ready for the lunch Beau was going to take me to. In a way I was excited, I mean, was it a date?

Anyways, I tried not to look like I cared, even though I knew it didn't work, so I wearing one of my dresses and I tried to make my hair look right. It was so short. I hated it.

I managed to get it a little like I wanted to. I opened the door. "Beau! I'm ready!" I shouted. Immediately, Beau was standing in front of me. "You look beautiful Emma." He said and smiled.

I couldn't help but blush a little. "Thanks Beau. You do too." I blurted out.  Beau started to laugh. "Every guy's dream, being called beautiful." He said grinning.

I chuckled. "Let's go dork." And with that he opened the door for me and we went downstairs.

We ended up in a small diner. It was cute. Just the way I liked it. Not many people recognised Beau, which was a pro. We ate in peach, keeping a small talk going.

"So, are you missing home yet?" I asked Beau. He shrugged. "Nah. I like England. It's so different from Australia." I smiled. "What are the biggest differences between Australia and England?" I asked.

"For one, the weather. Two, the food is really different and three, the girls aren't really that special." He looked at me when he said that and I got a strange feeling in my stomach. Not a bad feeling, just a strange feeling.

Beau smiled at me. "You alright Em?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah why would there be something wrong?" I asked, smiling at him. "You seem nervous to be honest."

I chuckled a little. "Nervous? Why should I be nervous?" Beau was right, I sounded a little nervous. "Okay, you're right. I'm a little nervous." I admitted. Beau chuckled. "I knew it." He said grinning.

"It's just, this is my first date in a year. I'm just a little nervous." I chuckled. "But that's alright. I'm allowed to be nervous, if I can say so."

Beau laughed. "Of course you're allowed to say so Emmie." He said and grinned. I smiled and took a sip of my tea.

"How are you feeling though Em? I have been so worried about you." Beau said, looking worried. I smiled a little.

"I guess I'm alright. I mean, Joe hurt me and I know it's over. I'm moving on and I'm doing well. I do need to go back to the hospital. My hand is hurting. I don't know what's wrong. I know it'll be alright, maybe it's because it's winter. I'm not sure. I'm just glad I have all my friends around me." I said.

Beau nodded. "I'll go with you to the hospital. I'm there for you." Beau said. I nodded. "Thank you Beau. That means so much to me."

We finished eating. Beau paid the bill and we left. Beau took my hand and smiled. "Let's take a walk." I nodded. I just hoped we weren't going to that park. I couldn't do that. I'd cry. I'd cry so hard.

We walked down the streets of London. I loved London. I loved that I moved here permanently.

I thought back at the last few months. After I left Joe at the altar, Rowan leaving because of me, me going back to Joe, a new start, Rose knocking on the door, Rose making a move on Joe, Rose cutting my hair, making Joe believe she was me, and now here. Here I am. Without the guy I thought was my soul mate.

Was it stupid to think? At age of twenty one, thinking you found your soul mate? It sounded stupid in my ears. I didn't have to get married when I was twenty one years old. I loved Joe but maybe it was good that this happened. It made me open my eyes.

Maybe Joe and I weren't destined for each other. It made more sense to me Anyways. I looked up to Beau. It always would be a mystery to me, why he didn't have a girlfriend. Maybe he had a secret girlfriend.

"Hey Beau?" I asked. "Yes Em?" Beau asked. "Do you have a secret girlfriend?" I blurted out, without thinking about my words.

He chuckled. "Em, why would you even ask that?" I shrugged. He looked at me. I knew I had to give him an answer.

"I just- I just don't understand why you don't have a girlfriend." I said. Beau laughed. "There was never a girl that caught my eye to be honest." He said chuckling.

I nodded. "There's someone in England though." Beau said. I looked at him, expecting an answer, but he just smiled at me.

We walked to the London Eye. I didn't want to go in. It was where Joe kissed me for the first time. If this was a date, I didn't want to go in.

"Want to go to the London Dungeons?" Beau asked. I frantically shook my head. No way I was going in there again. One time was already enough. Also it was with Joe.

"I want to go see a museum." I blurted out. He chuckled and nodded. "We've to go with the underground then." Beau said. I shrugged. Of course I knew that.

Beau dragged me to the nearest undergoing station and together we took a few undergrounds to end up near the National History Museum. One of my favourites in London.

We had to qeue but Beau made it fun by making pictures and Keeks and all I could do was laugh with him. A few fans asked for a picture and even some with me.

Once inside, I looked around. The building was so old, so elegant and so royal. I felt like a little girl when I was inside. It made me want to be careful with everything in there.

"Em, want to go look at the dinosaurs?" Beau asked. I nodded as I followed Beau. Those animals existed on earth. Maybe not a few decades ago, but still. It was somewhat creepy to think about it.

Also, recent studies had showed us that dinosaurs are more related to birds than to reptiles. That's kinda creepy. What if some of those could fly? I mean, picture a  T-rex flying around, eating almost anything.

"Em." Beau said. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "Hmm?" He chuckled. "You zoned out again. You muttered something about a flying T-rex." I blushed. Of course I said that out loud.

"Yeah, I was thinking about that." I muttered. Beau looked at me curiously. "Recent studies showed that dinosaurs are more related to birds than to reptiles. I was picturing a flying T-rex." I explained. Beau chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

"You think about weird things Em." Beau said. I smiled. "Well that makes me, me right?"

Beau smiled. "That's very true."

With that said, we walked around the big hall with all the skeletons and scale models of animals.

Maybe it was a date after all.


So, like I said version one. I wrote like 2.4K words version one and version two combined. I hope y'all like it. I worked hard on it.

Question Time!

A. Emma thinks Joe's not the one, true or not true?

B. Who do you think Beau's crush is?

C. Beau and Emma or someone else and Emma?

D. Should Joe try to talk to Emma?

E. Anything you want to tell me? Suggestions, critique, anything?

I want 20 comments and 40 votes. Y'all can do it!

I have a serious question guys. It's rumoured that Caspar said he was gay. If he did, that's amazing and ill support it but is there any prove? I'm just very curious.

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