Chapter Eight

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"Almost ready!" I shouted at Joe. Joe was here, to take me to Maisie and Finn. We were going on a double date. I had never done a double date before and I was actually kind of nervous. This was my first date with Joe, well you know what I mean. I wanted to look good. What if Rose- no. I had promised myself not to think about her anymore.

I opened the door and shyly walked outside. "Joe, I'm ready." I said as I grabbed my purse. Joe got up from the couch and walked over to me. "You look stunning." He said and kissed my cheek. I felt myself blushing. I didn't want to, but it still happened.

Joe chuckled. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed my coat. Joe opened the door for me and we made our way to the elevator. Once downstairs, into his car, Joe started to talk.

"Em? Are you, are you okay? After everything that happened?" He asked. I looked at him. "Yeah, I'm more than okay. Why are you asking?" I asked, feeling a bit confused. "I'm just worrying about you." Joe said with a smile.

I blushed a bit. "Joe, you've nothing to worry about, I promise."


I hated waiting. Emma and Joe were late. I hated it when people were late. She knew that, Finn knew that and Joe probably did too.

"C'mon baby. Emma will be-" Finn started but was cut off by a knock on the door. I threw the door open and Emma and Joe were standing there.

"Jesus! What took you so long?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Doesn't matter. We're here now right?" Emma said. "Let's go." She added. I huffed but Finn took my hand and kissed my temple. "Relax Maisie. It's all good now okay? We can go now."

"Fine, fine." I huffed and I followed Emma. She was already seated in the car so I sat next to her. Finn sat next to Joe. Joe drove off and started talking to Finn while me and Emma were sitting next to each other, silently. I was still pissed at her for being late.

Joe parked the car and I got out, looking at the restaurant in front of me. Well, at least I could eat. Emma stood next to me. "Are we cool?"

I nodded. "Yeah yeah, now lets go inside, I'm so hungry!" With that said, we all walked inside and got let to our table.

We had ordered and were chatting with each other when two girls came over.

"Oh my god! It's Joe Sugg and Finn Harries!" The smallest one said. I looked at Emma with a dark look in my eyes. Fans always ruined things like this.

However, Finn and Joe stayed polite and smiled. Then the girls looked at me and Emma. Their faces changed from super innocent to bitchy.

"Aren't you Emma Smith?" The taller one said. Emma just nodded. "I can't believe you hurt Joe!" She screamed. To say Emma was shocked, that was understatement. "We saw the vlog! You just let him standing there at the isle! I don't even know why Joe would want you back! You're a slut!" The smaller one said.

I knew Emma was on the verge of tears and I stood up, towering over those girls.

"Fuck off! Emma knows she made a mistake and she's trying to make up for it! She's super sorry and all you do is making her cry! She loves Joe and Joe loves her! Don't you dare to hurt her!" I said angrily at them.

They stared at me and then quickly walked off.

Emma looked at her hands, I could see she was hurt but she also agreed with the girls. She thought they were right. I grabbed Emma's hand, I still could see the scars on them, she had one rough year. "Em, look at me." I mumbled.

Emma slowly looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "They're right." She whispered.

I opened my mouth to say something but Finn beat me to it.

"They're not right Emma. Maisie is right. You made a mistake, but you love Joe and Joe loves you. You guys have a connection that won't break. If this was a fairy tale, you two would live happily ever after. He's your Prince Charming and you're his Snow White." Finn said.
(Sorry, I have been watching too many episodes of Once Upon A Time)

Emma was speechless. I looked at Joe, who was looking at Emma like she was perfection itself. No one was perfect but I bet Emma was in his eyes. No matter what she did, Joe still loved her. It was so obvious.

I wondered if me and Finn had the same thing.


After the date I immediately crawled in my bed. I wasn't in the mood for everything. I knew those girls were right. I hurt Joe and I never was going to forgive myself for it. I love Joe with all my heart. Why did I doubt that. It was stupid to think that I maybe would be with Roan. Joe is the one for me.

Me and him aren't together now. I hoped it would happen because, well if what Finn said was right, then Joe loved me as well. I hoped he was right. Maybe Joe was my Prince Charming but that didn't have to mean I was his Snow White. Who knows?

I knew if me and Joe would be back together and his fans would find out, I would get more hate than ever. I still got it. I never went to twitter anymore. I didn't like to be on tumblr anymore. They found my Facebook but at least they couldn't comment on it. My YouTube channel got spammed with people writing hateful comments on my videos, not even related to the videos.

Thinking about this, I got up. I went through my closet until I found what I was looking for. The camera that I got from Caspar, Finn and Jack nearly two years ago for my nineteenth birthday. I swore never to use it and to return it to them, they never wanted it back and I never used it. Maybe it was time for me to use it.

I was going to make my first talk video.


I was waiting for Joe to come home. I wanted to talk to him. I had seen some things on twitter and I got a bit worried. I needed to know what happened.

As soon as I heard the door open, I got up and walked to Joe.

"Hey." I simply said. Joe looked at me and shook his head almost unnoticeable. I had seen him do this before. I think it was because I needed to remember I wasn't Emma but Rose.

"Hey." He finally said.

"How was your double date?" I asked casually.

"It was.." He sighed. "You saw something on twitter or something, didn't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm just worried about you, about Emma. What happened?"

Joe sighed again. "Two girls, fans, came over and called out on Emma leaving me." Joe looked away. "It's my fault. I never should've vlogged about it."

I bit my lip. "Joe it's not your fault. It's not really anyone's fault. It was just a situation and you handled it the way you thought was best."

Joe hugged me out of the blue. All I could do was hug him back, he seemed to need it and Joe's hugs are nice.

"Thank you for being here Rose."


Yes, it took me ages to write, why? I had no freaking clue what to write about. But.. Then I read all the comments in Choices and I started writing again. It really helped :)

Maybe you guys can answer some questions for me again?
A. What do you think about Rose?
B. Who are we missing in the story?
C. Joe and Emma #Jemma or nah?
D. Thank you for reading this :)

You guys are amazing! Thank you for everything! Please vote and comment, comments make me want to write again and they give me ideas!

Consequences {Choices Book Two} {Choices Sequel} {Joe Sugg Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now