Chapter Six

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I was getting more and more annoyed. People couldn't just cover my eyes like that. Instead of screaming and shouting, which would be awkward since we were in a cafe, I said, with my teeth clenched, "Get your dirty paws of my eyes."

I heard a chuckle that was too familiar to me. "Hurry up or I'll slap you, again!" I said angrily. "Calm down tiger." The voice said while my eyes were finally uncovered. I turned around to face Sam Pepper. "Of course it's you. You always do this things."

All Sam did was laughing and I couldn't believe what I heard, why the hell was he laughing? I glared at him, feeling more and more pissed. If he didn't stop soon, I was to slap him. "Sam, shut the fuck up!" I shouted.

He looked at me and he dared to chuckle. I had no idea what was wrong with him. "Aren't you a sunshine miss Su- aww, I forgot. You never showed up on the wedding. So it's still miss Smith." He said teasingly. He knew what he was doing and he knew the consequences.

I slapped him right across the face.

He stared at me, not really believing I just slapped him. I looked back, with a pissed look in my eyes. "Did you just-" Sam asked, but didn't finish. I just nodded, I warned him and he kept teasing me. I had every right to slap him.

Next to me, Maisie was laughing like an idiot. Me and Sam stared at her. "Oh my gosh! You both fight like a married couple!" She exclaimed. "What? No!" Me and Sam exclaimed at the same time. I glared at him again. I saw he was glaring back.

This made Maisie only laugh harder. "You guys are unbelievable." She said. I knew he was unbelievable. I thought grumpy. He had ruined my whole mood. Me and Sam never had been too close, but this made me dislike him again. I wanted the Sam that was there for me when I needed a friend, not the taunting Sam that teased me with everything.


I decided I was just going to do it. I knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and there was Emma. She was about to say something but I didn't let her talk, I cupped her face and kissed her.

It felt like it always did, only she pushed me off. Okay, that kinda hurt. "Well, fuck. Apparently I still look like Emma." Emma said. Wait what? I examined her. Her hair was short. This wasn't Emma. This was Rose. I covered my mouth. I was so ashamed.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were Emma." I said. "Yeah, well I'm not." Rose said annoyed. So, she was pissed off? Shit. "Let me make it up to you by treating you with a breakfast?" I said. She looked at me, thinking it over but then nodded. "Better have a good breakfast place Joseph."

I groaned. Of course she knew my name. I held out my arm for her and she looped her arm with mine and I guided her to the car. I should know the difference between Emma and Rose. It was easy. I mean, Emma would never cut her hair. Never ever, in a million years. She would dye it. Rose would never dye her hair, but she would cut it. Wow, I sound like a girl.

I drove off to a simple cafe. It was not that I came here every week but I've been here before. The breakfast was good and not too expensive. Rose got out of the car and looked around. I did the same and looked at her. She could've been Emma's clone. So much alike they were.

"Staring is rude." Rose stated sharply. I raised an eyebrow. She certainly didn't let people do what she didn't like. "Are we going inside or what?" Rose asked. I opened the door for her. "After you m'lady." I said. Rose scoffed and walked inside.

I sighed. Today wasn't going to be easy.


"I slapped him." I said through my phone. I heard her sigh. "Emmy, when do you realise, slapping people is not good?" Brianna, my best friend who now also lived in London, asked. I wanted to shrug but I remembered she couldn't see me. "I will never learn. I warned him and he kept going. So I slapped him. He deserved it." I said.

"Em, you know you'll have to apologise to him right?" Brianna said. I sighed. "No. I don't want to." I said, with a slight whine in my voice. "Emma Smith, you are going to apologise when you see him again!" Brianna exclaimed. "If you could just try to talk less and not to make so much noise, me and my head would be very happy." I said dryly.

"You're so annoying today." Brianna said irritated. "Same for you missy." I said, getting irritated as well. "I'm not doing anything! I'm just trying to make you do the right thing." She said, getting angry. I knew I actually should've been careful, but I didn't care anymore today. "You know what? I don't need you looking out for me. I can do this on my own perfectly fine. I need a friend, not a mother." And then, I ended the call.

I felt miserable today. I came home and both Jesse and Rose were gone. It was weird, being alone in a house I never was alone in. I thought Rose had told me that Joe was going to visit today. I kinda was excited for it, but maybe it was better he wasn't here right now, with me being so annoyed.

I made myself a cup of chocolate milk like I learnt in a restaurant in France. It was so delicious, I hoped this would make me feel a little better. I took a sip and smiles weakly. I sat down on the couch and just stared out of the window which was a beautiful view of London.

I don't know how long I sat there but after a while the door opened. I looked up and saw Rose walking in. I frowned. She didn't tell me she was going out today, but then again, I didn't tell her either. I watched as Joe also walked in. It made me even more confused.

They laughed and Rose closed the door. "You know, I actually had fun today Joseph." Rose said. I frowned. I had no idea what they had done, but I couldn't help to feel jealous. I wanted to run up to her and slap her, but I couldn't slap two people on one day. I don't know why I was so violent lately.

They walked into the living room, finally seeing me. "Oh hello Em! Where did you go?" Rose asked. I glared at her. "Maisie woke me up, which you probably knew because someone must've let her in. We went to get breakfast." I said sharply. Joe raised his eyebrows, probably because of the way I was talking.

"Me and Joe went to get breakfast as well, and then we kept talking. We have a lot in commend." Rose said casually. I clenched my teeth, I couldn't believe she was doing this. She knew I loved Joe. She knew things were complicated. She did this on purpose! She wanted me to get angry.

Instead of attacking her with words and maybe my mug, I got up, walked to my room and locked the door. I didn't want to see anyone today and I most certainly wanted to attack my twin because I had a green monster hiding inside me. Maybe she would've deserved it though, she did it on purpose. To make me feel hurt. To make me want to be angry at her.

I needed to calm down, I knew I had to, but the thought of Joe with someone else hurt a lot. I wondered how he felt when someone told him I had feelings for Roan, I felt so stupid I had let him go. He didn't deserve the pain and the trouble. I still ask myself why I didn't went to the church to get married to him. He was the love of my life after all.

Was Joe the love of my life? I did stood him up on my wedding day. Our wedding day. I knew I loved him. I just wasn't sure if he was 'the one'. It's hard to say someone is the one because when you think he's it for you, you can always find someone else who seems more perfect.

I shook my head and sighed. I should stop thinking about these things. I should live in the moment. I didn't know what Joe and Rose were doing but I just could tell I didn't like it. Why? Well, Rose was trying to get Joe. Something I don't want. I wanted to be with Joe. Being able to call him mine and to kiss him when I wanted. Not, seeing someone who looked exactly like me, being with the guy I loved. That was not fair. Rose and I both knew it.

I curled up into my bed, feeling miserable and I knew it was Rose's fault. I needed her out of my house.


So, I wrote a chapter. I have no idea how many words it has, but I wrote it on my iPod. Yeah, that's the way we will be doing it now.

I know I put this book on hold and I will keep it on hold because soon I will start my last year of high school (again, yes) and I need to graduate. So, I have no idea when I will be able to write.

I posted this chapter I hope you guys like it and can I please get some votes? I try my hardest to write, so I'd like to see some votes.

Oh and to reply to comment on my book that everyone was so nice, that's me. I'm too nice I guess? I made Emma in the chapter meaner though.. Okay my authors note is way too long.


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