• Important Author's Note

366 13 16

Hello bestiessss!

So, as you probably know by now...


But I need your help for the next chapter

Please submit engagement/wedding questions or questions about their future 😇 They will be answering it in a Q&A.

Please pretty please with a cherry on top don't let this flop. Otherwise the new chapter won't be good or long enough 😭

Before I drop the names for in-line comments, i just want to give a massive thank you for 222K reads! it still blows my mind that anyone actually enjoys or enjoyed this story 😭 it makes me feel so warm and happy.

To ask your questions, comment by their name in in-line comments:

Charlotte (soon to be Bieber) Windsor

Justin Bieber

Thank you for being awesome and I hope you have an amazing week!! 💜

Lots of ♡,

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