13• "There was a moment"

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Note: stuff's about to go down...
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• J U S T I N •

With a dull lightness in the bedroom as the early sunrise started, I lay in silence. Charlotte was still deeply asleep. Her head was burrowed against my bare chest and her fist was tucked under her ear. She really is the epitome of adorable. Her long soft hair cascaded back on the sheets. Her breathing was steady and soft - the opposite from last night. It still humored me how she contained her shy excitement. I'm glad she didn't go full-on fangirl on me because it would've ruined our time together. Having her here with me felt unreal. She's even more beautiful in person than I could've imagined.

In all honesty, I dreamt about her last night. I'm not going to go into detail because it wasn't exactly an innocent dream. Waking up with her cuddled up to me after an arousing dream about her, embarrassed me, to say the least. I was grateful she's still asleep because it gave me time to compose... myself.

A faint murmur emerged from her and her eyes slowly flickered open. She slipped her hand from under her ear and rubbed her eyes. I don't think she consciously recalls where she is right now. Her head nuzzled against my pecs and she momentarily settled again.


She sat up abruptly with large eyes, and her breathing quickened, "wh--"

"Good morning, girlfriend," I decided then and there to mess with her like crazy, "last night felt so good."

Her eyes widened more, if that was even possible. Oh god, she's falling for the bait.

"It d-did?" She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly against her.

"Yeah. So good. And that thing you did when you were... you know... on top of me... damn, I could get used to that," my lips twitched into a smirk, but honestly, I was trying not to ruin this by laughing.

"What?" She stared at me, an expression of shock-horror painted across her face.

"Yeah. And the way you swear when I... well," I bit my lip, "well when I went harder... that was sexy." Maybe this wasn't such a clever idea because thinking about this faux sexual experience with her was making it harder... it... and harder to control.

Her lips parted and she stared at me, horrified.

"We... we..." she couldn't even say it. She's so innocently cute.

"Had sex? Yeah," I waggled my eyebrows at her suggestively.

"Oh god... oh god..." she gulped down and panic riddled her expression.

"That's what you screamed last night," I bit my lip hard, feeling the urge to laugh.

"What the fuck?! Why can't I remember?!" She scurried out of bed lightning fast and self-consciously hugged herself.

"I'm offended you don't remember. But... since I'm totally messing with you, I'll forgive you," I chuckled, no longer able to hold in the laugh.

Charlotte's eyebrows slowly knitted together and she dropped her arms to her side, "you jerk!"

"Hey, I was just messing with you. I didn't think you'd really believe me," I tried to remain composed because of how angry she looked, but a small giggle escaped me. "Plus, if we really did have sex. I promise you'd remember it."

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