75• "Marrying Justin Bieber?"

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Note: I have been here even though you guys haven't heard from me. This was posted on 02/03/2019 •

• C H A R L O T T E •

4 March 2018


Justin was already up and about by the time I lugged myself out of the comforts of our bed. I wrapped my body tightly in a plush gown and cracked the sliding door of our bedroom open a little. The crisp chill of Washington's air felt clear and refreshing. Awakening.

After a gaze at the scenery, I hurried into the warmth of a nice, steamy shower. 'Steamy' in the literal sense of the word. Justin wasn't joining me. This time.

After washing up and feeling energized for the day. I scrolled through Twitter and Instagram as I prepared my coffee. I stopped the mindless social media session to chop up some fresh fruit for breakfast every so often. I was amazed at the number of sweet messages and comments regarding my birthday. It wasn't even my birthday yet. Well, not here, anyway. The kindness and well-wishing truly surprised me in the best way possible. Moments like these put into perspective how clouding hate can be. It can mist over the positives in your life and make it feel like all you have is hate from others. These messages, however small the gesture may seem, spoke volumes. And I couldn't help but smile as I read through them.

Here are just a few DMs:

Hey Char ❤️ it's officially your birthday here in New Zealand!!! So I just wanted to say a happy happy birthday to you even though you probably won't even see this 😂 ever since you and Justin started dating and I started following your account and learning more and more about you, I've found myself legit stanning you! You are so kind and beautiful & I love you lots! I hope your birthday is as sweet as you are!!! Love always - Krissy

Krissy, get outta here! You're such a sweetheart! I'm 22 already in NZ? Wild stuff 😂 of course I see your message. I see more than you guys realize 🤫 thank you so much for the kind and generous words. My heart swells when souls like you reach out to me 💜 lots of love!


hi char happy birthday from manila 🎂 you are such an inspiration to me because you're so strong and positive. i appreciate & luv you

*fetches tissues* *returns* thank you so so so much, sweetie! This is such a beautiful sentiment. YOU are amazing!!! Love you lots 🍰🍰🍰 < some bday cake, thought ya might enjoy 😂


Charlotte Rose Windsor, a true angel. You are such a kind and sweet person. My best friend, (@maribiebs) met you and Justin and she told me that you were so accommodating and fangirling with her 😂💜 I love that you're a belieber. Seriously, i wish we could be Belieber bffs 😂 with Mari of course. I'm currently in Aus with family so even though it's not your bday in Canada, it is here. I wanna be one of the first to wish you 🙏🏽 so happy birthday, cutest human! Sending you all the best wishes and happiness 💛 thank you for your positive energy and for always making our idol smile. For that, I love you with my whole heart 😇

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