3• Favorite Musician?

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• C H A R L O T T E •


I glanced down at my phone as the screen lit up. I ignored it though because I was currently stuck in traffic on my way to my first day of interning. I'd be interning at Capitol Studios for a few months and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

Penny? Please answer?

I glanced down at my phone again. Geez this Justin doesn't quit. I shook my head and looked ahead at the road again. This traffic was torturous. I sighed and clicked the radio on.

"Let me love you," the last line of Let Me Love You blared through my car's speakers.

"That was Let Me Love You by DJ Snake featuring Justin Bieber. Keep sending in your requests for the next hour and you could hear your song on air," the radio presenter said, cheerily.

I switched my radio's Bluetooth capability on and connected my phone. I selected the Journals album and hit shuffle. Soon enough, Hold Tight filled my car's interior and tantalized my ears. Hopefully music will help make the the traffic feel as though it doesn't last that long. Fingers crossed.

After 50 minutes of tediously slow driving in horrible traffic, I finally arrived at the studio. I quickly grabbed my bag and jacket, hurried out the car, locked it and jogged inside the studios' building.

My phone buzzed in my hand. A looked down at it while hastening to suite 23.

Why aren't you answering?

I sighed. Does this dude not have a life or something? I can't answer him. He's just going to have to wait. I pushed my phone into my bag and walked into the suite.

"Charlotte, good you're here. You're gonna be working with John today. But his first artist only gets here at noon. You're welcome to chill 'til then. Break room is down the hall and the refrigerator is fully stocked. If you need anything, I'm right across the half from Booth 2," the intern manager and scheduling agent, Stephen Riggs, told me with a welcoming smile.

Stephen was probably 27 or 28, he wore black-rimmed nerd-style glasses, a worn band tee, distressed jeans and Levi sneakers, and he had dark-chocolate brown hair in a slightly tousled quiff style. I was curious how he got such an awesome job at such a young age.

After he walked off to his office, I slowly strolled to the break room, admiring the platinum and gold records of various artists, decorating the walls on each side of the hallway.

Once in the break room, I slumped down on the beige couch and took out my phone, almost on reflex. I had yet another new text from Justin.


Alright, I better answer him.

I unlocked my phone and navigated to his messages and typed a reply.

Sorry. I'm kinda busy. Is something wrong or?

I mean why is he so persistent? It's not like we're friends or even really know each other. I mean, he does think my name is Penny...

Oh sorry. Nothing's wrong. Just thought maybe we could chat...

That damn ellipsis - it always sparks my curiosity because it's so subtextual. It's so obvious that someone wants to say more than they do when they use ellipsis. It's just basic grammatical knowledge. Either that or they're just making chats awkward.

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