Chapter 12.

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Colby pov.
I wake up to see April again. She said" Get up we're all going to Ireland for Journey's birthday. It's a good way of asking some one out to while on the trip." I don't know what she is taking about. I got up any way. As I was waiting for the car Sam said" So still feel the same as the other day." I said" What are you talking about." Sam said" You know what you told me the other day about you know who." I said" Yeah why." He said" Well Journey is part Irish so we're gonna be in her home land well half of it any way it would be perfect for you to." I said" I'll talk to her when I'm ready." He nod as the car came. April said" Every one relax it's gonna be a 11 hours until we get to Ireland." Great.

Journey pov.
I wake up on the plane and I don't really remember how I got here. But what ever. April said" We're in Ireland." I said" Which part." I smile as I see a sign that says Dubin. We get to our hotel which is the Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge. We get in and see where every ones room is just in case. DJ April l was talking and napping in my room it's got a balcony. Which has steps going up. I'll look later maybe. We went to The Music Café Dublin for breakfast. I met Kat and Tara. Then there was Elton and his girlfriend Ginger. This guy who is hot as hell. He said" Hello I'm Corbin." I smile as I shake his hand and said" Hello I'm Journey." He smile as we just chatting when Elton came over and said" Hello we're all ready so if you two quit flirting thanks." I said" I don't know how to flirt or when I'm being flirted on." I walk to April and DJ. Then we all went to the Dublin Castle. I was walking around with April and DJ when Corbin walked over and said" Journey." I look at him. He said" I was wondering how old are you." I smile and said" 17." He smile as he walked away. DJ said" Oooo. Girl." I laugh and continue walking. Then we went to Rock of Cashel. Elton was wondering off so he and the guys left and Next is Ross Castle. But we were late so we went to Torc Waterfall.  Then we missed the The Old Storehouse. So we went to the Hook Lighthouse. Now we're at the Cliffs of Moher. Then we went to The Glenside. Then we were back in the hotel. I was going up the steps to see a little room on the very top of the whole hotel. I got a book and start Reading. Until I see someone walked in and said" How did you get in here." I look up to see Colby. I said" I followed the steps from my balcony." He said" Well those lead to my bedroom if you need me or here." He hands me a room key. I nod and said" Well night." He said" Good night." As I was walking out I thought I heard him say something but who would he be calling his Queen. It's not me I know I wish it was but it's not possible. I got back to my room and layed down and went to sleep but I kept roll over and didn't get to sleep until 2.

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