Chapter 54.

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Colby pov.
I'm going to be married today. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday Journey said yes. The kids love living with us. We are living with Corey Jake Sam Kat and a couple more people. But we're not actually going to be married until Journey's birthday. So we have the wedding beforehand and then it's time for the main one. Sam's my best Man as April is Journey's maid of honor. Kat Tara DJ and Ginger were her bridesmaids. April was in a green dress as the others were in blue. I know because Journey told me days ago about it. God I can't wait for tomorrow.

Journey pov.
"Honey, please. You don’t have to be so nervous, everything’s going to go alright." April said comfortingly as she squeezed my shoulders "And Colby is totally going to lose his mind when he sees how gorgeous his future wife is!” she gave me a wide smile as we both looked at my reflection in the mirror. "Yeah or he could probably realize what a big mistake this is and run away. Oh my God, can you imagine-""Journey!" she exclaimed, cutting me off "Are you serious right now? Colby’s been trying to ask that damn question for so long, he practically had the ring for six months! He was scared you would run away on him, not the other way round. Trust me, he is an idiot but not that much of a big one!'' She hugged me softly and I sighed. Her words gave me some sort of comfort but it still wasn’t enough to calm my nerves. I'm getting married to the man I loved more than anything in this world and even if I were absolutely sure about what I, and maybe Colby, wanted me still couldn’t help the doubts that clouded my vision over any subject. Almost just like every bride I felt my stomach tighten in knots and my heart hammering in my chest, almost wanting to beat out of it, and I couldn’t sit still for a second. "And even if he proves to be such an idiot, I can fill in for him, don't worry." My best friend and one of Colby's best friends, Corey winked at me before kissing my cheek and I managed a small laugh. "Corey, not funny." Kat scolded him and he shrugged. "Not my fault my best friend looks stunning tonight!" he raised his arms in the air and I gave him a soft smile, knowing he was doing all of this to make me feel better. It was always his way of lifting up my spirits. "Either way, there will be no need for that because Colby wouldn’t even fathom the idea of letting you go, dear." Sam told me with a smile and I gave him a weak nod "He loves you like nobody else, so there is no need to worry about a single thing. Everything’s perfect.""Well… almost everything." I mumbled "I was looking at the dress and- and my hair and thinking we could probably-""Journey" April gave me a look "You’re gorgeous, ok? Not a single word about it, you hear me? Colby is not gonna be able to keep his hands off of you!""True, just take a better look in the mirror and you’ll see it for yourself, yes?" Kat placed a hand on my shoulder and I gave her a weak nod. "But I think all brides go through this themselves, so the best we gotta do is give you some time on your own. Come on ladies." Jake, who I didn't know was there, placed a hand on Tara's and Kat’s backs "Let’s leave her alone, and go take our places. And if you decide you still want to run away I’m available." Corey teased and once more I managed to giggle. "I’m sorry Corey, but I love Colby more than anyone in this world." I shrugged with a grin and he winked. "I know that." were his last words before all three of them left me alone in the room. I sighed softly, lifting my white dress and taking a seat on the couch. My mind was swimming with thoughts, all of them making me feel happy, eager, excited, worried and nervous all at once. It was one thing to think this day would come and another to actually be ready to marry Colby in a couple hours, which of course I looked forward to more than anything. "That’s certainly not the look I hoped I’d see on you, and I don’t mean the stunning dress." a voice breathed out and I head snapped up to see the door had opened and my fiance stood right there. All air got caught in my lungs when I saw how good he actually looked. "Which by the way-" he licked his lips as he sneaked in the room "Looks amazing on you, Red." he breathed out in pure awe, love shining in his eyes. "Oh Colby" I breathed out emotionally, standing up on my feet and rushing to him to wrap my arms around his shoulders as he hugged back by wrapping his arms around . My waist and burying his face in the crook of my neck. "What are you doing here?" I almost sobbed, pulling away to look at him with glossy eyes "You’re- you’re not supposed to-" "I’m here to see whether my beautiful future wife has run away from me or not. I was getting pretty worried that you’d realize I’m not enough for you." he confessed with a shy smile and my lips parted, a frown setting on my face. "What?" I breathed out "Colby, no of course not. How could I- Gosh, no I would never do that. I- I-" I laughed "I’ve been dreaming about this day for so long and-""And yet you are on the verge of tears." he breathed out, cupping my face and resting his forehead against mine "What is wrong princess?""I’m just-" I bit my lower lip "I’m so worried about everything. Everything that can and will happen today. And everything that can and will happen after all of this." I breathed out and he gave me a soft smile. "Do you want to know something?' he asked in a whisper and I gave him a small nod "I’m scared too. I’ve been scared ever since I got the ring.""Six months before you proposed." I whispered with a small smirk and he chuckled. "April told you, right. Of course she did." he breathed out in embarrassment "Yeah, six months before I proposed. And it took me that long because I was scared, baby, because I didn’t know if you’d want to spend the rest of your life with me but I- I knew I wanted it so much that I just couldn’t hold back. I love you darling, and no matter what I want to grow old with you.""I want to grow old with you too, Colby." I whispered as he smiled, leaning down to kiss my lips tenderly. "And since we’re so unconventional-" he gave me an adorable smile "How about we have our first dance right now Mrs Brock?" Another giggle left my lips "Well, I’m not Mrs Brock yet but Colby, we don’t have much time and you know that.""Yeah, only a couple hours." he said sassily and I hit his shoulder playfully "Come on, no harm done, we’re pretty much breaking every rule now. And I kinda-" he bit his lip as he put the music on, turning to face me "Wish really bad to have a dance with my gorgeous wife." he breathed out, staring deeply into my eyes and even if nothing was official yet I couldn’t help the skip of my heartbeat when I heard the word leave his lips. "So, Mrs Brock, may I have this first dance with you?" he extended a hand to me, the other hand behind his back and I couldn’t help another laugh. "Of course Mr Brock, it would be my pleasure to dance with you." I walked towards him, taking his hand. "After all, we’re gonna be doing this for the rest of our lives, right?""Oh absolutely" he breathed out, placing a hand on the small of my back "And I would never wish for a more beautiful and loving partner."

That night.

We get to our hotel room. I don't know what but I'm a little bit scared of this. I know I love my husband but I know this is going to hurt. Plus I could end up pregnant. I'm gonna do it thought. I love Colby and I'm giving him myself. I look over to see Colby smile and said" wanna talk about our trip to somewhere special." I smile and said" we can but I was thinking about actually completely this marriage." He said" really." I smile as we met in the middle. My dress came off and Colby said" damn I didn't know you was." I smile and said" I wasn't going to until the girls talked me into it." He said" of course. May I." I smile and said" Always." He kisses me as I kiss back until he started kissing my neck. As I ran my hands in his hair. I let go of being scared I know Colby isn't with me because my looks or body it's because he loves me for me and that's all I ever wanted to find. I smile as Colby stop and said" are you ready Journey." I blush as I wasn't paying attention to see Colby has stripped down to nothing. I nod. He made sure to enter slow and gentle then I told him to go ahead even though I'm still in a little bit of pain. All the pain stopped and it's Heaven and we might have went all night long just catching up on the missed time. We finally finished around 4 am. We're laying here watching the sun rise. Colby said" Journey." I look at him. He said" I love you and I'm never letting you go." I smile and kiss his heart tattoo on his chest. I said" I love you too Colby and you can't get rid of me now." After a bit I said" you know I could get pregnant." He smile and said" oh really I don't know how that could happen." We laugh until he said" Journey I know and I will love if you would get pregnant. A little you running around." I laughed and said" it's probably going to be a little you running around climbing things just like his Daddy."  We smile and fell asleep.

Colby Brock's Girl.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz