Chapter 57.

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Journey pov.
We finally got the names of the babies. Conor Keir Brock and Blair Irene Brock. Colby told me to pick which ever names I wanted so I did. Keir, meaning "dark haired".
Conor, from the Irish mixed martial artist Conor MacGregor, meaning "one who loves wolves or dogs". Plus Conor McGregor is one of my favorites so. Then I fall in love with Blair Irene. Plus Irene is my grandma's name. But any way Colby Sam Corey and Jake and I are going to The Winchester mystery house I can't wait to get their. First thing first they have too start being stupid. I was behind the camera like most times. It's got 2 thousands windows and many doors. It's beautiful. Sarah was 4 10 or maybe 11. Colby was standing next to a ruler. He is clearly close to 6. I'm like 4.4 and half. Then we get to the seance room. Then we found the door to no where. And Jake went to it and they start talking about killing uncles. I shake my head and went ahead of them. They are having a lot of trouble getting around this place. But I'm just fine. Jake said something then looked at me and said" sorry Journey." I smile as I sit down. Then we get to the highest point of the house. Then we went to the basement. Now Corey and Jake is in one way and Colby Sam and I went the other.
Skip time.
We meet up in Sarah's Winchester room. Then I feel something. Then we went to the seance room. After a few minutes it was time to go. We get back home the next night and I fall asleep as soon as I hit our bed. I need this rest for the tfil stuff I'm doing with Elton.

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