Chapter 41.

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(Dates might be out of Oder.)

Colby pov.
I smile as I watch my Beautiful fiance sleeping beside me on the plane. We're going to Australia. I kiss her forehead as I went to sleep until it was time to get up. I wake Journey up and she said" Thanks." I smile and said" No problem Baby." She smiles and we got off the plane.

Day one.

Journey pov.
We're in Australia. We means Elton Corey and Sam and Colby. It's going to good. The boys are back. Plus me. Corey lost his bag. So he's got nothing. Plus the weather said it was going to sunny sunny sunny but it's rainy, rainy, rainy. Corey said" you know what that means where ever us four boys are at its gets wet." I laughed with them but said" you do know I'm right here right." Colby said" Yes you are Baby girl. Your not just wet your soaked." I blushed and said" the fuck that means Colby." He laughed and said" nothing." We all just laughed. They are going to climb the bridge and I'm going walk around.
Next day.
They are swimming with sharks. Corey isn't going to do it so we're going to film inside the place. As we watch I couldn't tell which one was which until Colby was on one nee in front of me just like how he Proposed to me. Then they start doing what will probably get us kicked out. We get to the hotel and Corey got to dance in front of the camera with Sam in the background danceing. Then Colby got in the picture.

Journey pov.
New day and we're breaking in to a news station. We ran into the building and then Corey said" well we made it let's go." Sam said" Corey no we're still got some exploreing to do." Colby found the rape room and I said" yea no thank you." Colby said" let's go inside." Sam said" you want to go in side the rape room." We found some little kid jacket. Elton found a paper from 1999. I said" I would have been one." Corey said" aww." We laughed as they did an news station replay. It was okay. For them anyway. Then we hear something. Which was a truck. And then we walked around and then heard a car. But still went around. Now Corey is standing on a table. He always wanted to do it. And he danced on it. Colby said" I'm going explore the hole." Corey said" oh that hole." I roll my eyes until I felt arms around me. He said" can I explore your hole." I blushed and said" yea on our wedding night." Elton said" you just got told." We all laughed then we're walking through the forest. Then we went through another building. Now we're in the car.

Next day.

Journey pov.
We are exploring abandoned royal plalce on a mountain. We don't know how to actually get to it. So we're going to walk on the shore line. Colby made sure that someone was making sure I was fine on the way to the place. We made it and it's very beautiful. After couple minutes of walking around Colby said" I would do anything for this view to come out here naked just banned your wife you know what I'm saying." I look up and said" what." Colby said" yes I'm talking about you Fiance you will be my wife and I will have you." Oh shit. He smirked as I blushed and walk away. Corey and Elton wanted some one to jump in the pool. But no body would do it. As we was running to get off the ground Corey sprained his ankle.

Skip time.

Journey pov.
As Sam Colby and Elton with some other explorers. Corey and I was at the hotel. Just hanging out. He said" so how are you and Colby doing." I smile and said" we're great we're planning on getting married some time probably in 2020." He smile and said" good I'm very happy for you and him. Can I be your bridesmaid." I laughed and said" no you can't but you will probably be in one wedding." He laughed and said" wait what your having two wedding." I nod. I said" yeah I got engaged twice so why not. One for my fancy family and then for for my Daddy family." Corey said" hell have one for us." I smriked and said" good idea thanks." He smile and said" no problem girlfriend." We laughed and I fall asleep. Until I feel some one get in the bed with me and said" goodnight My Queen." I smile and said" Good night My King."

Next day.

Journey pov.
So over the last couple days they went to the secret tunnels of Australian Alcatraz. It was haunted. Then we went to an haunted children orphanage. Then they went to do some canyoning in the blue Mountains of Australia. They said" it was freezing cold water. After they got back Colby said" Baby get me wram please." I laughed until he lay his head on my neck. I felt his lips too. I roll my eyes and said" Colby go change clothes." He did even though he said he didn't want to leave me. He is a man child. The next day Elton Sam and Colby went to abandon place as Corey and I stayed behind. We are good. Next day we went to an zoo. Next day They did whatever they were going to do.
Next day we get the RV. Then we went so they could do something then as we were on the way to another thing we get pulled over. But we good and we went golfing. It was my turn and I bend my nees and I heard Colby said" nice Ass Baby girl." I said" all yours." I hit the ball and almost got it in. Then they did a competition. With an video that I thank God I wasn't in. And the winner is Colby wait I mean he will have to stay in a room by himself. So we went to the most haunted prison. And we found paranormal activity.
Next day So we're going to do an overnight in another bowling alley. So we're finally in. And the alarm goes off but we're fine. So after waiting 30 minutes then we got every really and start bowling. But Corey found the mic and said" Ashley. Ashley." But then the speaker was turned on. And Corey went crazy. Corey said" yo Ashley Happy birthday Ashley Lane 11 Ashley It's your birthday Ashley Oh Brittney your chicken tenders are ready. Please come to the front. And get them. Your chicken tenders are ready." Then Sam start with some thing. Then Colby and it ended up with Corey said" Ashley" then they went wild. Then we went bowling. Sam is in a chair in a lane. And Colby is bowling. Sam is OK. Then Corey went he was OK. Then Colby and Elton was bowling. He was fine. Elton was in the chair and Sam was bowling. Colby has the mic. Then it was Corey bowling. Then they start Goofing off. Then it was time to leave. They start talking about starting an YouTube channel for overnights. And then Corey get the mic. He said" yo yo yo I said Ashley your chicken tenders are done. Ashley." Colby said" one more time." Corey said" Ashley your chicken tenders are done. I said Ashley get up here your food is getting cold Bitch." We're done.
Next day is our last day. We're at a park. Playing around. Then we went to see the ocean. We enjoy our last day all together on our last trip.

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